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What do you do for 7th grade lit (1600 - 1850)?

SS in MD

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Dd will be starting 7th in the fall. I'm trying to find a history program (we've done SOTW) for her (1600-1850) that focuses on American history but that's another story...


Anyway, I also *trying* to decide on a Literature program that uses Great books (WTM) for 7th. We own LL 7, but I didn't care for some of the lit selections. Any other ideas?? I'd like to follow WTM book choices, but once she reads the book shouldn't there be comp Q's or literary terms explained/examined from the book read??


Thanks so much~


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I just bought those TTC dvds! Tell me how did you use them? What text did you use? Did she use the work book? Do any essays? I bought them b/c I had heard they were good... but don't quite know how to implement!




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Hi Sangita,


My oldest 2 both used the TC DVD's this year. First, I purchased all of the Essential Reading books and most of the Recommended Reading books used. I typed up a 2 page assignment sheet for each week. At the top of the page I had the Lesson number and title, followed by the assigned reading (found in the Course Guidebook). Then I just typed up the Definitions, Comprehension Questions, and Essay Questions found in the Study Workbook. I placed all of these lesson sheets in a three-ring binder.


We did history 3x/week this year. I broke it down as follows:



Watch DVD and take notes

Create an outline from notes & compare to the outlines found in the Course Guidebook

Begin the assigned reading



Continue assigned reading

Complete Definitions and Comprehension Questions



Complete assigned reading

Complete essays


Periodically I would assign an additional book that went along with the lesson's subject. I used the WTM list to find appropriate books.


I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. I would say this year was a BIG success in the history department. The kids enjoyed the classes, learned a ton, and got lots of practice in note-taking, outlining, and writing.

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We're planning to use Lightning Lit "Early to Mid-19th Century British Lit" and "Early to Mid-19th Century American Lit" programs. They use Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, Ivanhoe, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Moby Dick, A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, The Scarlet Letter, and various short stories and poems of the period as well. We'll throw in some additional lighter reading (historical fiction mostly) as well, but not require any "analysis" of those -- simply that they keep a record of those books in their lit notebooks... *But* the two 7th graders doing this (ds and a friend) are very strong readers / writers, and they'll have done both Lightning Lit 7 and 8 before beginning. (BTW, ds thoroughly enjoyed the selections in LL7 -- I'm curious what you didn't care for...)

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Thanks so much - this helps me understand you daily schedule. So, did your dc like all three books (essential, supplemental & Supplementary)?

The Story of America - Garraty

The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877 - Garraty

America: A Narrative History


Were these books engaging and kept dc interest?

Also, where is the best place to buy them (and save $$)?




Also - did you add in any World history or just strictly American? What will you do this coming year with your oldest two dc? thanks again!

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My history-loving oldest found the books interesting. My younger daughter not so much. But I made her read it anyway :-) They are textbooks - so they are not as engaging as some books we've read.


I found them through Amazon used sellers.


For the most part I did not add in any world history this time around. They did, however, listen in with the youngers who are doing SOTW 3 frequently.


We will be doing TOG year 4 next year all together.



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