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Some TOG questions, enlighten me, please :)


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In my infinite desire to research, I've started looking at TOG. When ds2 starts 1st grade, ds1 will be starting 5th and entering into his second cycle of history. I'd love something where I can teach both, yet I can have it be at both of their levels. TOG seems like it would be great for that...


So, tell me, what do you LOVE about TOG?


What do you dislike?


Would you start it with a 1st & 5th grader or would you wait until your kids are in 5th and 9th grades? I'm thinking of longevity and if I'd get bored using it for so long, especially since it could mean 12 years with ds2.


I know I have time still, but if you wouldn't mind humoring me that would be great! :)

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Likes-I love having all the kids together. I really LOVE the way that everything is looked at from a Christian worldview, pointing to the life of Christ as being the highlight of everything. The books are, for the most part, very interesting. There are a few yawners. That just happens with studying history. Not everything can be fun.

Dislikes- Sometimes it is hard to choose what to leave out. There is too much offered to everything. Some weeks we have left off hands-on. Some weeks it has been fine arts. Some weeks we don't do our map work. My oldest son planned to do a timeline. It never got done.


Possible dislike- For people who are not Reformed Protestant in faith, you might run into a few theological issues. I have agreed with everything that has come up. Some years it may not be an issue, Year 2 (when the Reformation is studied) would be hard to adjust if you are not in agreement.


Overall, I love it. It is thorough. It is not boring and dry. The lessons are easily remembered. Not only have my kids learned a lot by using TOG, I have learned a lot.

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We haven't started yet, but I decided to start with TOG from the beginning with my rising 1st grader this next year. I am not worried about getting bored teaching the same old thing. As I prepare for LG level this next year, I can see how there is no way to do everything that looks so tempting. It is easier to pick and choose by saying that we can do what we missed the next time around when dd is in 5th grade and ds in 1st grade. And then I'll have another chance when ds is in 5th grade.


I think the greater threat with TOG is burnout from trying to do too much and not being able to say "no" to all the wonderful treats at the buffet table.

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Love your blog Tina, have marked it as a favorite and plan on 'studying it' :001_smile:

What I like...


Why you should start early and not wait.....there is an amazing post by Janice that is escaping me right now...that really drives home the point that You are the eldest student in your home and how beneficial it is to start with TOG and read ahead. Maybe someone else has it marked. I though I did, but it's gone :(

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What I like...


Why you should start early and not wait.....there is an amazing post by Janice that is escaping me right now...that really drives home the point that You are the eldest student in your home and how beneficial it is to start with TOG and read ahead. Maybe someone else has it marked. I though I did, but it's gone :(


Tina,I think it is linked here in this post just a few down. I loved reading it and it inspired me greatly.

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Why you should start early and not wait.....there is an amazing post by Janice that is escaping me right now...that really drives home the point that You are the eldest student in your home and how beneficial it is to start with TOG and read ahead. Maybe someone else has it marked. I though I did, but it's gone :(


This is one from Janice that I have marked.

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Wow, that is an amazing perspective that I have never considered. I'm so grateful for this board, and the willingness of many to share their wisdom. This thread comes at the perfect time for our family as my oldest will be just starting 6th grade, and I have hope of gaining an education for myself before needing to give it.

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I'm glad that it helped. :001_smile:


The folks over at TOG are offering some Teaching Training Videos this summer. If you're really interested in understanding TOG, I would start with Juli's free videos:




Then I would recommend the Lesson Planning 101. The "Out of the Shrink Wrap" is really good when it comes to understanding some of the ways you can implement the program once you purchase it. But if you are still on the fence, the Lesson Planning video gives a great nuts-n-bolts overview of how to use the program to make choices - one of the toughest things for new users to understand and implement. It's well done and will get you under the hood of the program in under 60 minutes. And it's free if you use the coupon code listed (TTTM5).




I'm starting to sound like a commercial, and I don't even work for the company. :001_smile: ....so I'll stop. I'm just grateful for the program. It has pushed me in some terrific directions.


Peace to you and yours this morning,



Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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You've gotten lots of great replies!


I am finishing up a year of TOG with a 1st and 5th grader. We loved it!! We especially love the lapbooks, projects and Pop Quizes. The one difficulty I have is reminding myself that we can't do all of what's offered and that's OK. TOG is so full of great stuff that (especially at the younger levels) you really have to pick and choose.... HTH

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I have a 4th grader and a 1st grader and we are just finishing up our 2nd year in TOG and I love it.


I love that they are both studying the same topic. It's a lot easier on me, since I'm only having to study up on one history period at a time. I was a great student, but haven't had any history since high school. I've really learned a ton over these past two years. I occassionally check out the rhetoric books from the library as we are going along so I can begin to learn at a higher level as well.


There are a lot of good things about the program. I feel like the great books. My oldest is a tremendous reader and will usually read all of the UG books, then his brothers LG books, and some times the alternate books as well if I can find them at the library. My youngest loves hand on activities so the crafts and lapbooks have been just what he needed.



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I think in your thread, I linked the wrong one...funny, though, it was awesome anyways :)


After I read the one linked in this post I wondered if you had possibly meant to link it instead of the one you did. Honestly though I am thankful for the mistake b/c they both contained great and wonderful insight! :)


I am getting so excited to start TOG!!!

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