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How To Keep a Toddler Busy - just for fun!

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This is a silly spin-off...:)


What can you give a 2-4 year old to keep him occupied for an extended period of time? If you ask my boys, these are the suggestions they would give!:lol:


A box of cereal to crunch into the carpet.

Crayons for coloring on all their toys.

Scissors for playing hairdresser.

Couch cushions on the floor to jump back and forth from cushions to couch.

Puzzle pieces to throw across the room as far as they can.

Paper to shred by hand into teeny tiny pieces.


Wouldn't they be overjoyed if we tossed the toys and let them do these things?!


What would your little ones suggest??

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laundry baskets to trap the cat.


anything for the kitchen works in the back yard


I don't know what the toilet brush was used for.


We learned you can't hammer a screw.


toilet paper rolls make anything from animals to piggy banks


Kleenex---need I say more?????


blankets and couch cushions make anything.


the rolling cart the legos came in---roller coaster down the hallway.



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Kleenex---need I say more?????



That's too funny....we just finished cleaning up after our Kleenex Battle Royale. Our toddler got into a box of them and made a huge mess. Making lemonade out of lemons, we turned it into a whole family battle. Highly recommended :-)


I will add to the list:


Anything they know they can't have (cell phone, computer, food grabbed on the sly from the freezer....)


Anything they can pull small parts off of, like a cherry tomato plant


Grown-up jewelry (to lose)

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