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Rainbow Science...opinions please!!

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I see several people mention Rainbow, but have not found many who actually use it. If you've used it, could you please, PLEASE, give your opinion?


Out of all the science 'ideas' and curricula I have been researching the last few days, it's the one my ds seems to favor. $250 is a lot to swallow though...and we would probably do both years in one, so that will be even more expensive! ($400??) I can't even imagine going that route unless I have a lot of outside favorable opinions.


Whatever you have to say, whether it's good, bad, or ugly....please share!?

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I looked into it. I could not bring myself to pay $250 for a program that can not be that much better than most of the others. I did like what I saw, but not enough to fork over $250 for it! I just could not do it! I am doing apologia and I love it! It is just as good (or better, IMHO) than rainbow science!!!

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Dd is doing Year 1 this year. I think it is a good program. Unless you have a science oriented kid who remembers it well, you will need to develop some kind of system for review/retention. There are section questions, but not cumulative in nature. There are quizzes (available online for free) after every 4 lessons and labs, but no study guides for them or anything. That has been the only drawback for us.


I bought a set from someone who bought it and didn't use it, so that saved me some money. You should check around for used sets. We aren't going to do Year 2 because we are switching to BJU Science online. I want her to use it for high school, so I think it would be good to be exposed to their program before starting high school.


I've resolved myself to spending more money now that she's getting older. I will spend the most this year that I have ever spent. It will probably be around $1200 or a little more before I'm done (for both kids). When I compare that to the cost of private school, it isn't a drop in the bucket. I try to look at it from that perspective.

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For my then 7th and now 8th grade ds. I think it is science-lite. At least it was for my ds. It certainly is an easy program to implement and use. It is easy for the student to work at it him/herself. But ITA about the retention. Honestly, I feel a little like we shortchanged science by using it. But, it exposed him to different areas of science and we used it - I'm sure he got something out of it. The experiments were fun, and we enjoyed the dissection. I will be selling it (complete set - years 1 &2) at the end of the year. Send me a pm if you're interested.

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For my then 7th and now 8th grade ds. I think it is science-lite. At least it was for my ds. It certainly is an easy program to implement and use. It is easy for the student to work at it him/herself. But ITA about the retention. Honestly, I feel a little like we shortchanged science by using it. But, it exposed him to different areas of science and we used it - I'm sure he got something out of it. The experiments were fun, and we enjoyed the dissection. I will be selling it (complete set - years 1 &2) at the end of the year. Send me a pm if you're interested.


So, were the experiments relevant? Did he (the author) teach/tell the student why the experiment did such-n-such and how that fits in with life in general? How would you beef it up if you used it again? Add in some visual Usborne-type science encyclopedias maybe, some biographies? Was the student required to keep a lab notebook of some kind and write down their experiments? Take any notes?


Just trying to get a better feel for it. It's really hard to visualize how it truly is by their online sample....which is basically the wording with no visual diagrams or anything. I'd much prefer a downloadable pdf. file of a lesson or TEN! :D


Ugh. I hate making decisions like this without having the curriculum in-hand.

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I have used this with my own boys and have taught it in our co-op twice. We do it in one year. I think it is one of the best junior high level programs available (at least when I was looking) and the labs are definitely relevant. In fact, the labs are where most of the learning takes place, IMO. This is a very hands-on program and prepares the student well for the high school level (IMO of course).

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I used Rainbow Science several years ago with ds. Neither of us liked it enough to want to continue to the next level. It wasn't as interesting as we had hoped. Most of the experiments were IMO too elementary for the grade represented and the cost of the program. We're using the ms/hs Apologia for the girls (middle school) and while many of those experiments are predictable at least we didn't spend as much. I like the way Wile explains the concepts. I'm also concerned that Rainbow has promised an elementary program and took pre-sales on it and it has been delayed for a couple of years. I'd hate to be waiting that long for something I pre-paid for. They also let their website expire. It is up now but that kind of negligence is a cause for concern. Not that it matter for us now but that makes me a little wary of the company. :confused:

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We are just starting year 2 of Rainbow Science. It has been a good fit for my oldest son. One of the biggest benefits is that it comes with Every. Single. Thing. you need to do the experiments. That is probably at least part of why the cost is so high. Another plus is that it can be done in large part independently. The Teacher's Helper has been invaluable.


Cons? Well, we had a real go-around trying to get our second-year kit here. It did end up arriving but customer service in the form of returned phone calls and/or emails was pretty much non-existent. I would still highly recommend the junior high science program, but they do seem a little overwhelmed or something. :confused:

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