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What do you think is a reasonable amt of time to wait for a reply to an email?

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This is in a somewhat professional capacity. She is the leader of a co-op...a large one. I am now a paying member of her co-op.


I have a history of not receiving a reply from this person in the past one other time. I had my questions answered through my own research so I blew it off that she didn't respond.:confused:


This time I have written to her with some serious concerns and questions regarding policy about refunding registration money paid. I wrote to her on Sunday night and it's now Tuesday night.


I do know that many people do not have the email response time that I do. I've always been in customer driven fields in my professional career and it is unconscionable that one would not respond to an email within a few hours, much less within 24 hours. So that has kind of carried over and I get annoyed when friends or others don't respond very quickly.


But this woman is in a professional position, as a co-op leader, and I have a hard time imagining her not checking her email for days. And considering the last email I sent her was not responded to, well..I am doubly annoyed. :glare:


I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Could be ill, could be on vacation, etc. But it's that darn history..... AND she is the one who through all her communication seems to encourage email correspondence. She's the one who made it clear that email was the best way to contact her.


Just venting I guess. But curious too. I do have the option of going over her head. But I am concerned that if I do and wind up having to stay with this co-op, there will be a strained relationship there. WWYD?

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I do know that many people do not have the email response time that I do. I've always been in customer driven fields in my professional career and it is unconscionable that one would not respond to an email within a few hours, much less within 24 hours. So that has kind of carried over and I get annoyed when friends or others don't respond very quickly.


But this woman is in a professional position, as a co-op leader, and I have a hard time imagining her not checking her email for days. And considering the last email I sent her was not responded to, well..I am doubly annoyed. :glare:




I'm the same way when it comes to email response time, so I would be annoyed at this point too... :glare:


What I would do? Even though she's expressed a preference for being contacted via email, I would call her tomorrow. Sending a follow-up email at this point may leave you hanging YET AGAIN - and then what? So...I would call and say "Hi, I'm calling to follow up on the email I sent you a few days ago. Since I hadn't received a reply, I was concerned that you might not have received it." I wouldn't put her on the spot to answer your questions right then and there on the phone - but I would stress (politely) that it's an important matter and that you're hoping to get the issue resolved this week.


If you get her voicemail, great - say the same thing in a message, but I would add something extra in a voicemail message: "If I don't hear back from you by Thursday, I will assume that you're tied up in other matters this week and I'll contact so-and-so (next level up person in Co-Op or whatever you meant when you said "go over her head") to discuss this issue."


And whether you get her live on the phone or get her voicemail, I would THEN send another email summarizing your call or voicemail message so that you have documentation in case you need it.



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Are you paying her to lead the co-op? (I'm not understanding what the money has to do with it, as I don't know of co-op leaders who get that money themselves, but it might exist.)


She might have had to check with someone else for an answer to your question. She could be out of town or ill. Your email may not have gotten to her. It may be stuck in her spam folder.


If it is a paid position, then you should let her know what your needs are: that you prefer email responses in a certain amount of time. If that isn't feasible, then you will have to decide if you can continue in the co-op.


If it is a volunteer position, then I think you should give her a week and then nicely call her to ask if she got the email.

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Does she have a job with the co-op where she actually sitting at desk daily, so that she'd be getting e-mail? If not, I don't think you can assume she checks it constantly or even daily.


I would do as another poster suggested - call on Thursday. But I don't think I'd mention I'd be contacting so-and-so if she didn't return your call. Consider the (unlikely) possibility that the e-mail did get lost, is in her spam folder or that she has a very stressful family emergency she's dealing with. In those cases it wouldn't be fair (or nice or conducive to future friendly dealings) to throw out the threat of going over her head. I'd give her one more chance before doing that. I would say in the voice mail or whatever, something like: "I'd really appreciate you getting back to me on this by Friday. Thanks so much."

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Hey There,


I'm taking it that it's the CC co-op. Some people don't get emails until they've added people to their contact list. I have someone who asks for everyone to expect their "got it" email back. Personally, if you have emails over and over from the same person... I'd think you would add the person to your contacts... (to make it so they don't go to spam... accidentally)

Registration money is usually not refundable... since that's what registration is all about... you want your spot saved... it's letting your Director know that she has enough students to hire another Tutor.

I've let all my people know... it's decide before... because I can't refund the $$$. As soon as I have enough students... I'm on my hunt for another great tutor!

But... to answer the email thing... I answer everything within 1 or 2 business days.... if not... somehow it's slipped my mind. (doesn't happen often... I'm professional about it.) Also, If I have to ask someone something... I either cc the person to let them know, or send a "I'm asking about this. In (how many every days), if I haven't responded... feel free to email or call me".


Sorry that the person hasn't been prompt...



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Hey There,


I'm taking it that it's the CC co-op. :(


Ahhh.... I see.


CC isn't a co-op; it's a paid service. Totally different animal. I change my answer. :D


I'm agreeing that there is no way to get your registration refunded. If you feel that there was a misrepresentation or something has changed to cause you concern since you paid it, you could try going over her head.


For a CC Director, this is the one of the busiest times of the year, and she may be flooded with emails and work. She may be working through her emails and just hasn't gotten to yours yet. Or she may be a great person and just bad about email. Or it may be a sign of sloppy work in general.

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Thanks for your responses everyone. I was trying to be a little secretive so as not to disparage anyone IRL, but there are no secrets around here, eh?:tongue_smilie: Of course I should have been more transparent.


It's that my familial circumstances have changed. And the program in my area is growing at such a significant pace that the campus I signed up for Feb. 1st (with some pressure, I might add, like "get in now while you can!!!") has changed dramatically. 2 new campuses in our area have siphoned off people from the existing campuses, and now there is one closer to me in my suburb. So I don't want out of the program AT ALL, I would just like to be closer to home. I have significant responsibilities to my MIL (elderly, disabled, almost shut-in), especially now that my FIL has passed away (just last month - after I registered), and I am concerned about being 30-45 minutes away all day one day a week. AND, this campus generally has a waiting list, so I guess I was hoping an exception could be made since it's so early in the year and she has other families waiting in the wings.


Anyways, I was feeling a little...I don't know...ignored...last night so I posted here. Just whining and hoping for an exception when OF COURSE I do understand that there really can't be one made. In the light of day things don't seem so bad, and I will just have to work it out.


Still annoyed at her lack of response though!!!:thumbdown:

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This is in a somewhat professional capacity. She is the leader of a co-op...a large one. I am now a paying member of her co-op.


I have a history of not receiving a reply from this person in the past one other time. I had my questions answered through my own research so I blew it off that she didn't respond.:confused:


This time I have written to her with some serious concerns and questions regarding policy about refunding registration money paid. I wrote to her on Sunday night and it's now Tuesday night.


I do know that many people do not have the email response time that I do. I've always been in customer driven fields in my professional career and it is unconscionable that one would not respond to an email within a few hours, much less within 24 hours. So that has kind of carried over and I get annoyed when friends or others don't respond very quickly.


But this woman is in a professional position, as a co-op leader, and I have a hard time imagining her not checking her email for days. And considering the last email I sent her was not responded to, well..I am doubly annoyed. :glare:


I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Could be ill, could be on vacation, etc. But it's that darn history..... AND she is the one who through all her communication seems to encourage email correspondence. She's the one who made it clear that email was the best way to contact her.


Just venting I guess. But curious too. I do have the option of going over her head. But I am concerned that if I do and wind up having to stay with this co-op, there will be a strained relationship there. WWYD?


I would have a different perspective:

  • I wouldn't think of being co-op leader as being the same as being in a professional position. (As someone in a professional position, I have also sometimes let an email slip through the cracks, and appreciate people's understanding, so I don't go hard on others who do the same thing.)
  • I don't think Sun-Tues is a long turn-around time.
  • If you haven't mentioned the other email to her, then I'd let that go. It's too far in the past.
  • Today, Wednesday, I might call and ask if she got the email and if she could talk. If you have objections to something, email is about the worst way to handle them, whatever she has said.


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Thanks again for all your replies. Do we have a "tail tucked between the legs" smiley? Maybe this :blushing: and this :leaving:. The director called me today. Of course she's been busy and she just needed some time to make sure it was okay with the new director to transfer my fees paid. If I were leaving the program it would be non-refundable, which I completely understand. She and the new director are good friends and are accountability partners so they worked it out with eachother and will transfer my fees and paperwork. I feel quite embarrassed for being annoyed. I should have given her the benefit of the doubt. I should have been more patient. And for Pete's sake I should have found her phone number and called her!!!


Lesson learned. Note to self: :chillpill:

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