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LOST - I need a kleenex!

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This show is driving me nuts and has been since day one LOL! I actually cannot wait for it to be over. It's my very favorite show but the waiting, wondering, and trying to figure it out are driving me crazy. I just want to know what the heck is going on!


I kept waiting on Sun to say "Jin, go, be with our daughter! Raise her! She needs at least one of her parents!" What the heck???? How could she not tell him this????


I loved Sawyer and Juliet together. I'd rather Kate be with Jack then Sawyer......like someone else mentioned, I see Kate as his consolation prize now. Since Juliet is gone, he'll run to Kate. I don't want to see that. I'd like for Kate to be with Jack. I think he's loved her from the very beginning.


I love that Sayid "redeemed" himself.


I want to know what is is about those "gates" that keep the smoke monster out. And where was Frank? I assume he died, but I didn't see him at the end.....did I miss it?


I hope that Claire sees Flocke for who he is and does not stay on his side.

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I want to know what is is about those "gates" that keep the smoke monster out. And where was Frank? I assume he died, but I didn't see him at the end.....did I miss it?


Frank got hit when one of the sub doors blew off. If you blinked you missed it. And no one asked about poor Frank!! He saved your butt with the helicopter, he's willing to fly you off the island, and when he doesn't surface NO ONE asks! :glare:

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