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Is there anything like Oak Meadow but a bit different?


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I'm thinking of doing Oak Meadow for my 1st grader next year. She's very into science, nature, art, etc. We kept a nature journal this year and she loves it.


But I'm just not sure about the phonics and math portion of Oak Meadow.


Is there any curriculum that is similar to Oak Meadow but a little more in depth with the reading and math portion? I know it is better not to push a young child in these areas....but we are just kind of going at her own pace.

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We are using OM this year, but we are supplementing a lot. I have a Perfect Paula, Wiggly Willy and a Social Sue. NOTHING I do is going to make everybody happy at the same time. :lol: We used mainly Sonlight last year and we supplemented like crazy with that also (but my kids learned a ton).


Looking through the scope and sequence, I don't think OM takes up a horrendous amount of time, anyway...so I doubt supplementing is a big deal with it. If I try it and find out otherwise, I'll let ya' know! :D


The only curriculum so far that has met my "no supplementing" Seal of Approval is CLE. However, Travellers be warned...CLE brought a lot of tears, my son throwing himself on the floor in desperation, my son turning each workbook page in Angst and each day seemed a replica of the day before...(scary music) But, it's a darn thorough program.


Wow, that REALLY didn't answer your question! :auto:

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I have never used MFW for anything yet, but I know they have kids curriculum. I googled it, and found their 1st grade program. I have no clue what all it includes, or if it's any more what you're looking for than what Oak Meadow has. But, here it is, in case you want to look at it. It's the only one I could think of off hand: http://www.mfwbooks.com/1st.htm

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Yeah, we're using the MFW K boxed curriculum and we really like it. I'm sure 1st grade is similar. I might also just continue with MFW 1st after K. My K-er thinks it's the most incredible thing ever... :lol:

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Guest Cindie2dds
Yeah, we're using the MFW K boxed curriculum and we really like it. I'm sure 1st grade is similar. I might also just continue with MFW 1st after K. My K-er thinks it's the most incredible thing ever... :lol:


I have a girl friend that loves MFW because of the structure to the program. I went to look at it, and it's completely different from Oak Meadow. I couldn't use it because I would have way too much tweaking on the Faith aspect. If you like MFW, I think Oak Meadow would be too loosey-goosey in the early grades.

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One of the great things about OM is tht it is not so heavy that you can't add to it without feeling like Atlas.


It's so light on phonics and math in the early levels that I really think you could just use whatever you wanted for those with OM and not feel any frustration. I don't anyways. I like how laid back and comfortable it is. But then again, I've done K and 1st 6 times now, so I'm not exactly worried about it. Much.;)

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Guest Cindie2dds
We are using OM this year, but we are supplementing a lot. I have a Perfect Paula, Wiggly Willy and a Social Sue. NOTHING I do is going to make everybody happy at the same time. :lol: We used mainly Sonlight last year and we supplemented like crazy with that also (but my kids learned a ton).



Yeah, we're using the MFW K boxed curriculum and we really like it. I'm sure 1st grade is similar. I might also just continue with MFW 1st after K. My K-er thinks it's the most incredible thing ever... :lol:


Ack! I just realized you are using OM and MFW at the same time? Whoa, I don't think I've ever seen two more different programs. I thought I had a hard time choosing. :lol:



Seriously, don't you find MFW completely different, or is it just the odd duck in me coming out again. :tongue_smilie:

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Maybe I should clear that up...I'm really tired...:D


I have 4 kids...I think only 4...


Kid #3 is using MFW K right now, but no OM.

Kid #2 is going to use OM 2nd grade this fall.

Kid #1 is going to use OM 4th grade this fall.


Kid #4 is probably just going to terrorize the dog, pull all the blankets off everyone's beds and sprinkle dog food on the carpet all throughout the house.


My husband kinda counts as Kid #5 sometimes, but he's at work.


So, no, we're not using MFW K and OM K at the same time. That would be odd. :lol:


MFW K only takes about an hour, though - at the most. It's very light and hands-on (Kid #3 has a really bizarre personality, we actually thought she might not be able to hear :bigear:, but the doctor said her hearing is fine...but she won't look at you or answer you 90% of the time, we're not sure what the deal is).


Anyway, she seems to really like MFW.

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Ack! I just realized you are using OM and MFW at the same time? Whoa, I don't think I've ever seen two more different programs. I thought I had a hard time choosing. :lol:



Seriously, don't you find MFW completely different, or is it just the odd duck in me coming out again. :tongue_smilie:


We are really weird, though. We also use some CLE, Sonlight, BJU, Singapore, MCT... We're like a walking homeschool convention! :lol:

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Guest Cindie2dds

Oh, I get it now. Sorry to be so slow. You never know what will actually work with each kid, and when it does, I don't question it. Thanks for the clarification, it makes much more sense. OM 2 and OM 4 are much more structured than OM K. :D

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