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Use of Church for Co-op. What do you pay? Do you provide your own insurance?

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Use of Church for Co-op. What do you pay? Do you provide your own insurance?

(I meant to use the building Thanks!)

Hey There,


I was wanting to compare what we pay... to others. I'm curious what you pay for co-op use of churches, and if you pay insurance.


Everyone meets for different amount of weeks... so total, and then "per week", would be great!



Edited by NayfiesMama
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No, we don't pay. The churches where we have always had co-op meetings did it without payment. My one group did provide insurance. I am not sure what the others did. We always gave donations to the church and usually the co-op group will do some service project for the church- yard maintenance, help with setting up for something, etc. The leader of my current co-op here is an associate pastor at the church.

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We currently pay $100 per month for 10 months. At a previous church, we paid $200 per month, but our group was twice as big. The larger church asked us to provide the funds for the insurance rider, but the present church has not requested that we carry insurance.

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Do you mean what we pay to have co-op at church or what we pay to attend co-op? :confused:


Our co-op is mostly church members and our Pastor does the boy's Contender's program. We don't pay to use the church building itself.


Our co-op fee is $4 a meeting per kid and $1 a person for lunch. We save boxtops to supplement our co-op fund. Our fee was originally to pay for the pins that the kids earned in the Keepers of the Faith program and the projects for that. Now it is used for science lab and Little Keepers as our girls are doing a whole year of sewing.


We meet every other week.

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I don't know specific figures, but our co-op pays a monthly "rental" fee to the church and we each pay for our own insurance. Our insurance total was about $25 for the year, but I only have 2 children. I think they charge around $8 per person for the year for insurance.


Those taking classes pay a building use fee of $25-50 per semester per family, in addition to a materials fee per class. Then again, we are in an expensive cost-of-living area, and there are no churches here who would allow building usage without a fee.

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You must find out if they have an insurance "umbrella" policy that covers groups and such.


If they do, then in an accident everyone's covered. If not, they may require you to buy a policy for their sake and yours. The church in which we meet has a policy we fall under.


As the founder of this co-op I met with the pastor a few times. In one such meeting we discussed pay't. and he said it was up to us. He said they consider it a ministry to open their doors for such a purpose as this. He said pay what we can or don't pay at all it was up to me.


I thought that was so completely compassionate on his part. But, not wanting to take advantage of his generosity I told him my plans for the co-op to give something. He consulted with his church and came up with an approximate cost per month (utilities, paper products, etc). It was what I had planned to give him.



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