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feeding your hummingbirds would you use cheap sugar?

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Since last year the price of sugar has gone up a lot. Three pound of organic sugar cost $7 at the health food store, and the same brand is $4.50 at Walmart. I would love nothing more than to feed the hummingbirds organic sugar, but I really can't afford to and it makes me feel a bit inadequate. These little creatures go through more than a cup of sugar a day. In order to be able to feed them I must switch to cheap sugar. No one has killed or made hummingbirds sick by using cheap sugar have they? I know this sounds so silly, but sugar is one of those things where pesticides become more concentrated in processing, not to mention the bleaching process. I know homemade sugar water is better than processed food with food coloring added.

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Last year I started making hummingbird food from sugar, but I think I did something wrong and killed a few off. I used to use the hummingbird food from the store, the pink stuff, but I too started to wonder if that was so good for them. So I started making my own from the cheap sugar and water, cooking it on the stove. We had bees everywhere once I put it out, but the hummingbirds weren't so interested in fighting off the bees. They sort of disappeared for a while. Then I didn't need to change the food because they weren't there. They came back for a few days and then disappeared altogether. I really am afraid that maybe that stuff I made molded or something and killed them off. Or maybe they just didn't like it? In any case, I think I'd rather feed them the store food then think I killed them with my cooking, LOL. How often should you change the food?

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If it is hot weather, sometimes the feeder should be changed every other day. Clean the feeder once a week with vinegar and water or bleach and water and rinse very good. But do not use soap, the little beauties can taste the soap. If it gets moldy soak it in bleach water for a bit and rinse good. They were spoiled with organic sugar, I hope they will accept the cheap sugar. It worries me because it can be GMO sugar?

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Here is a nice alternative. Plant flower that are red, deep-throated and produce nectar which will attract hummingbirds. If they are perennials then you will solve the problem for years.


Cheap sugar which is what is in the store hummingbird food and has been used by thousands of people every year, has not and will not kill hummingbirds.


Hummingbirds are very territorial. They will come around to the same feeder ever day at a certain time. But if they don't get anything they will eventually move to a different area.

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