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I hate math!!!!!!!!!!!

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I. HATE. MATH. I hate math decisions. I hate math curriculums! I finally found something that my dd likes (and can do!) CLE math, and the series doesn't go any further than 8th. I'm looking for something like CLE, but for algebra. I didn't consider CLE's algebra since it hasn't been revised and I believe it's just Alpha Omega Life Pacs. Any advice? Anyone???

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We also bought the Saxon teacher CD-ROM's (because I HATE...HATE....HATE math also!) I need all the help I can get. Mr. Reed explains things so much better. He doesn't use the examples in the book, though. Using these resources together is really helping us. Everyone says that Saxon is a great program and dd is excelling (I just have old brain syndrome!)



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What a thing to see first thing in the morning! I thought my dd had gotten on my computer, logged in here, and wrote YOUR post. Her name is Emma and she would give a high five to hating math. Sorry, no advice here, but I do sympathize! :D


BTW, we use Saxon and it is the best I have found to get the math to stick in her brain. She actually told me the other day, well, it slipped out, that she 'liked' her math book. That was amazing as you wouldn't think so by all the blank stares and feelings of nausea that I get every morning. Yes, that would be feelings we BOTH get!


Seriously, I recommend Saxon for those who need review (and we have tried them ALL) or Jacob's Algebra or Video Text for those who do not. (My son thrived on that approach.)


I guess I DID have advice. Good luck with your search! :)

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I haven't seen CLE.


Algebra programs we like:


Life of Fred



My favourite is an old Dolciani, but I'm guessing that will be different than CLE, and Gelfand's Algebra (but that one doesn't have a solution guide or TM).


Jacob's has quite a gentle approach (too gentle for my eldest, who doesn't care for gentle math for some reason.)

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Wow! I never thought Saxon would be the clear winner. I'm going to relook at it. I just remember the mountains of problems in the early grades. She definitely needs a spiral approach. Thanks everyone!


If you need a spiral approach, Saxon is the one. However, on the high school forum, there are other popular Algebra programs as well. Whichever you use, I do suggest checking how well your dd is doing by occasionally having her do problems from another book (but something she has already covered, of course.) We do this here simply because my dc do Algebra 1 twice, each time with a different program, but spiral isn't the best fit here.

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