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After dance mat?


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ds has 2 levels left in the last stage, so what should we go to next? He has loved Dance Mat Typing and done very well with it, so I was hoping someone could recommend another program for him to continue building his typing skills.



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After Dance Mat we bought Typing Instructor for Kids. That worked great - they loved it and are all little typing dynamos now.


The web site says -age 10. Do you think this is accurate? Ds just turned 11 a few weeks ago.

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The web site says -age 10. Do you think this is accurate? Ds just turned 11 a few weeks ago.


I think my kids were 8 and 10 when I got it? They all used it very successfully. The older two are 11 now and still use it from time to time (I don't have a lot of computer games :))

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