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Just placed MFW order...yikes

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Maybe some can relate to this. Placing that first big high school order is surreal. Seeing the $ amount is frightening (I warned dh that he might need to revive me after I hit the "Place Order" button!). I hope and pray this program works for us and that I can use it for future dc!


That's all. Off to calm my shocked nerves with some chocolate. :D

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Did you order the MFW Ancient, or what?


My dd is doing MFW Ancient, and I've searched around and found many of the books much cheaper from people on here, or from Amazon, etc. The total for everything once I'm done buying looks like it'll be about $100 cheaper than what it would be to buy the whole package from them! It was worth the time for me. I like doing that kind of searching anyway! Plus I'm getting lots of little packages in the mail, that's fun too! :D


Anyway, both dd and I are looking forward to this! She's looking forward to her Biology 101 DVD's and the readings to go with that as well! It looks like a great year coming up! But I agree, OUCH for the costs!

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I found as much as I could privately or on Amazon. I want everything ordered by the end of April so I gave up waiting for someone to put their stuff up for sale and just ordered the items I can only get from MFW (lesson plans, lit supplement, etc.). I saved well over $100, though, even with having to order 3 of some of the items (that was where the big "yikes" came in!).


Yes, I ordered the Ancient. And while it hurt to spend that much $ I also figure that more than one set of dc will use it...hopefully!


All told I spent about $700 for the entire set for 3 dc. That included the entire Notgrass set, not just the first book and quiz/test book.

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I found as much as I could privately or on Amazon. I want everything ordered by the end of April so I gave up waiting for someone to put their stuff up for sale and just ordered the items I can only get from MFW (lesson plans, lit supplement, etc.). I saved well over $100, though, even with having to order 3 of some of the items (that was where the big "yikes" came in!).


Yes, I ordered the Ancient. And while it hurt to spend that much $ I also figure that more than one set of dc will use it...hopefully!


All told I spent about $700 for the entire set for 3 dc. That included the entire Notgrass set, not just the first book and quiz/test book.

I ordered the entire Notgrass set too. I couldn't find it ANYWHERE used :(, so I got it new (at least that's what it said, and I'm hoping!) for $95 on Homeschool Classifieds, instead of what Notgrass sells it for. Every little bit helps. I think I'm going to end up around $300 or so for the one set for dd.


I don't have another coming up, so I'm hoping to be able to sell some and share some once we're done. It looks like it's worth it though! Now that we have Notgrass, that'll be less to spend for the next year, since they use the books for World History as well. :001_smile:

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That first high school purchase can really raise your eyebrows and your blood pressure!:001_smile:


I'm perpetually telling him that we have to put off certain purchases because I'm buying books. I search far and wide including the local used bookstore, but I still have to buy some things new, period, and they aren't little cute workbooks like we once had.


At least they're almost all reusuable, so once I buy for the older one, we're set for awhile.

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I'm perpetually telling him that we have to put off certain purchases because I'm buying books. I search far and wide including the local used bookstore, but I still have to buy some things new, period, and they aren't little cute workbooks like we once had.


At least they're almost all reusuable, so once I buy for the older one, we're set for awhile.

Yeah, that's where we're at right now with buying too. Let's put off some other stuff so we can get the school stuff... :001_smile: I got the Notgrass books in the mail yesterday. They're all new, so I'm happy! Today I'm ordering the basic stuff that I couldn't find elsewhere. I'm excited to get it all, look through everything, and get it all set up/organized!


I think these things are the last of what I need for dd for next year. She's actually excited about what we're getting, and said she wishes she could start it now. She has other things she really needs to finish up first, though. Nice to have her excited about her schoolwork! :001_smile:

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Brindee, I'm having fun watching your excitement! :lol: I soooo hope this turns out to be a good fit for you. I'd hate to feel responsible if it's not. :tongue_smilie: But it's fun watching you gather all the materials and get ready!
Thanks for encouraging me this direction! Part of my excitement, as I said, is seeing my dd excited about it! Though she was pushing to do high school next year, she was dreading Biology and Literature and some of the other stuff. I'm excited there's enough available that she can be looking forward even more to next year!



If it doesn't go over well once we start it, I'll have to come back and say, "Donna, why did you do this to me?!" :lol:

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Thanks for encouraging me this direction! Part of my excitement, as I said, is seeing my dd excited about it! Though she was pushing to do high school next year, she was dreading Biology and Literature and some of the other stuff. I'm excited there's enough available that she can be looking forward even more to next year!



If it doesn't go over well once we start it, I'll have to come back and say, "Donna, why did you do this to me?!" :lol:


:001_huh: :glare: :lol:


What did you end up deciding for Biology? I missed that.

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Brindee, I really feel that you guys are going to have a fantastic year!!! I have not had the pleasure of using MFW, i've been reduced to using a hybrid of the program (thank goodness it's working) due to finances, but i'm going to start saving now and see about doing a core for my younger ones next year.

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:001_huh: :glare: :lol:


What did you end up deciding for Biology? I missed that.

Since dd was dreading Biology, I didn't want to do BJU or Apologia. Her older brother did Apologia and liked it well enough, but it was NOT dd's "thing". So I started a thread about it. I'll go find it and link it here so you can see the process, what allwas offered and what I ended up with.


ETA: Here's the link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157884


Both dd and I are as excited about the Biology as we are about the MFW AHL! :D

Edited by Brindee
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Brindee, I really feel that you guys are going to have a fantastic year!!! I have not had the pleasure of using MFW, i've been reduced to using a hybrid of the program (thank goodness it's working) due to finances, but i'm going to start saving now and see about doing a core for my younger ones next year.
Thankyou! I hope you're able to get MFW for your youngers! I just told my dd this morning that I wished we'd known about MFW before this year! I found it after I'd already ordered something cheaper that I thought we'd really like, but would be a lot more work on my part to put together! So, I showed it (the MFW World History) to my dh and asked what he thought about it for dd's 10th grade year, and he thought it looked good.


Then Donna A asked me why I wasn't going to get the MFW Ancient for next year. I had the reasons--finances, already got something way cheaper, etc. But then, the more I looked at it, the more I liked what I saw! So I sold some older stuff, bought some of the books cheaper from people here and on Amazon and homeschoolclassifieds.com. I just ordered the last chunk of it this morning. But, since Donna asked that question and said how much her dd is enjoying it, then that's why I can blame her if it doesn't work out! :lol: (I really wouldn't, just fun to joke about! :D)


So yeah, if you can plan ahead and find stuff cheaper, and do it off and on throughout a year or two, it's possible to be able to get enough for it not to be such a punch all at once!


Best wishes to you!

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