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SOTW- How often do you go to the library?

Annie Laurie

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I really want to use SOTW 1 with my 1st grader in the fall. He loves history and science but would rather spend more time on science. I own SL Core 1, but it was my least favorite core, and I'm not sure I want to spend that much time on history with him. SOTW seems like a nice compromise and the book suggestions in the AG look good.


The only problem is, I'm expecting a baby in November and wondering if we'll find it hard to get to the library after it's born. Will we still get plenty out of SOTW with just the spine, mapping, and narration? I do own a small pile of Ancient history related picture books already, so could add those in where appropriate.

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i go to the library weekly USUALLY, but have been slacking off the last couple of weeks. We have been using Usborne Internet Linked History for supplementing and the online component as well, but I think certainly for some chapters (the ones that captivate your child) extra reading is wonderful, particularly the stories and myths.


I always put stuff on hold and pick it up at the front desk when I know I don't have time. Saves so much effort.

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We are at the library weekly for SOTW (using 3 now) but our system has online holds as well as a drive thru for pick ups! Even when I had 1 using SOTW 1 and 2 who napped I could take the sleeping toddlers to the library and get everything in the drive thru. However, I wouldn't feel too badly if I missed some weeks with extra books. SOTW itself is very good along with the Activity Guide and audio CD's. Mine have been re-reading SOTW 1 and 2 for fun.

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I used SOTW1 with a 1st, 5th and 6th this year. Whereas I purchased or borrowed lots of supplemental reading for the older two I found that the younger one did not need extra books for every chapter. For her some chapters were simply reading the chp. and doing some of the activities. Some weeks we just got our additional info off of the internet.






Okay there are just too many to put them all here. Just google the specific topic your looking for with "for kids" after it and you will find enough info to keep you from going to the library for months.



This one is a site I use a lot for all subjects. Some items are free but some require you become a member. I think it's only $20 for the year and I think well worth it.


Hope that helps a bit!




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We go weekly, but when I'm not feeling well or when there's a new baby, I'll ask dh to stop in on his way home, return the basket of books I put in the van, and check out everything we have on the hold shelf. Online ordering is the best!!! And once the baby is a few months old, (s)he is the easiest one to take to the library...cooing happily in the Ergo, never running in the aisles, making the librarians smile; it's toddlers I find hard to take to the library.

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I generally go to the library twice a week: once with the kids and once on my own (or with just one kid, depending on what we're all up to). But I think you could easily adapt it to less frequent library visits as suggested above.

I might help your child adjust to having a new sibling if you can keep up something of your normal daily routine, but please take it easy and don't expect too much of yourself. It won't hurt if you slow down on the formal schoolwork, considering he will be learning heaps about new babies and how to look after them.

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Does your library do holds? I can look on line, order the book, show up a couple of days later and be in and out in under 7 minutes.




I put stuff on hold online all the time, but I guess I was concerned that I'd find it hard to get out of the house much in winter with a newborn.


However, your question reminded me that my library was just remodeled and now has a drive up window so we wouldn't even have to get out of the car! Yay! My dh is great about stopping for books for me but he often works too late to get to the library before it closes, this way I can still get them myself.

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I used SOTW1 with a 1st, 5th and 6th this year. Whereas I purchased or borrowed lots of supplemental reading for the older two I found that the younger one did not need extra books for every chapter. For her some chapters were simply reading the chp. and doing some of the activities. Some weeks we just got our additional info off of the internet.






Okay there are just too many to put them all here. Just google the specific topic your looking for with "for kids" after it and you will find enough info to keep you from going to the library for months.



This one is a site I use a lot for all subjects. Some items are free but some require you become a member. I think it's only $20 for the year and I think well worth it.


Hope that helps a bit!






Thank you!

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it's toddlers I find hard to take to the library.


That is so true! I do remember a period of time when I had an infant, a 2 yr old and a 3 1/2 yr old and I just stopped going to the library for awhile because the 2 and 3 yr olds were so crazy every time we went- yelling, playing with the outlets on the floor, grabbing books off shelves. Ay yi yi. My youngest is almost 6 so it's been awhile and there seems to be a lot I've forgotten already.

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I might help your child adjust to having a new sibling if you can keep up something of your normal daily routine, but please take it easy and don't expect too much of yourself. It won't hurt if you slow down on the formal schoolwork, considering he will be learning heaps about new babies and how to look after them.


I'll definitely be adjusting as we go along, since I'll also have a 16 yr old, 9, and 8 yr old to homeschool. Six yr old is so curious and eats everything up though, so we'll try to get in what we can, while expecting plenty of crazy days where just getting them fed and hugged is the best I can do.

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