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Recommend "Bible" verse memory program for children by age groups...

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Please share your favorite Bible verse memory programs for all aged kids: Preschoolers, Early elementary, Upper elementary, Middle, High. For younger kids, is there a music program by which to memorize Bible Scripture/verses?


Thanks. Sheryl <><

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Awana is wonderful; it is age graded, higher grades do review of previous memory. If you aren't inclined to participate in the program at a church, I would call around and find a youth program that will let you just buy the books, crowns and jewels.



That's a great idea....I wonder if they will sell just the books? I'll check it out.


In the meantime, any other ideas for books, music format, cd's or whatnot?


Thanks. Sheryl <><

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I second AWANA....it covers the age span you want and is a comprehensive , well-thought out curriculum. Many churches offer it in our area, so I'd go visit the different clubs and get a feel for the culture of each group. A chat with the director/commander is a must to see how they view their group, their role, the goals, how they work with the church staff and the community. You could even contact the AWANA organization itself to locate your regional AWANA missionary and ask them about the different clubs in your area. We've done AWANA for 9 years with 2 kids and it has added to their foundation of bible knowledge for apologetics, history and most importantly, to know the Lord and His provision for them.

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We do AWANA, but for extra work I like:


Thy Word cds. Awesome. A couple of songs, but chapters spoken so the kids learn longer passages.


Truth and Grace Memory Books are another great option. I saw these at the CHC and they looked great. Nothing fancy but a nice framework.


Children Desiring God, from John Piper's church also has some great looking resources. I've been eying them and think it's about time I ordered some!


Lastly, many curriculum you purchase will have schedules and recommendations for the kids to memorize throughout the year. For us - it's AWANA and extra stuff at home. :) Hope that helps!!

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"Seeds" cds are our absolute favorite for both parents and kids in this house. we have learned many verses from these, and the music is great! Not little kid-ish at all...we play them all the time.


Another vote for AWANA, here. my kids LOVE it and i'm amazed at how much scripture they learn. as far as buying just the books...i'm not sure how effective they would be without the group / club experience because they are all tied to that.

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We have church and our formal Bible studies are at church too, but I'm looking for something....a program to use at home that will help with Bible verse memorization. Any other ideas...thanks!! Sheryl <><


I love the CDs from Sing the Word. Very high quality. They increase in difficulty. The first, Sing the Word from A to Z, has short verses corresponding with each letter of the alphabet (which makes it easy to go through all the verses in order). A New Commandment has longer passages and a song for the books of the New Testament. God Our Provider again has longer passages and a song for the books of the Old Testament. We haven't yet listened to the other 3 in the series.

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