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Do boy cats smell????

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I have a neutered male cat we adopted 3 years ago. We bathe him twice a year. He does not spray, trust me I can smell cat pee a mile away. We recently had a mouse problem (it was living in the walls) I haven't heard it in a least 3 weeks. My house has a "musky scent" that occurs when the sun heats up the carpet. I thought it was the mouse smell in the walls getting warm, but I realized its all the spots the cats lays. I've only had female cats in the past and DH, who has always had male cats, couldn't smell his way to an outhouse. Do they smell? It's sort of a musky, scent that gets stuck in your throat like burnt rubber does.



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I've never had a neutered male cat smell. :001_smile:


Our neutered male dog did smell every once in a while. The first time it happened was at my Mom's house and my brother (didn't live there)walked in the house early in the morning without knocking. Our dog 'freaked' and went into protection mode. His whole body emitted a very strong odor :001_huh: and I had to give him a bath that day.

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We have three neutered male cats and every now and then (maybe once a year or so) one of them has an issue with their anal glands. Yep, this is kind of gross, sorry. The others let out a little at a time when they do their thing in the litter box, but this one has trouble with it and they tend to get um, stopped up. If I happen to smell him ('cuz you know I love being woken up by a cat plopping down on my chest) and notice, I'll take him to the vet, who will...express the glands. Otherwise, it'll happen naturally one day when he gets spooked or falls off something (he is sort of a klutz) and it'll stink for a day or two. It's much more common in dogs, but in my house, everyone is special. :D It really is a very distinct smell. Not horrible, but very strong and it does sort of stick in your nose.

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An unneutered cat will have *very* pungent urine. You may or may not smell it on the cat itself, depending on how fastidious the cat is in his habits. A neutered male cat doesn't smell any differently than a female cat.


A musky/musty odor makes me wonder if you cat could have an infected wound somewhere. Cats get abscesses very commonly after fighting with another cat, and they can be surprisingly hard to notice. You might want to check him all over for discomfort, lumps, discharge, etc. Also give his ears a sniff. Ear infections aren't common in cats, but they can occur. Also, cats can have a very strong odor after expressing their anal sacs. It generally doesn't linger long, but if it got on bedding it might.


Hope you find the source!

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