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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS): If your Church accomodates MCS........

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would you please either post here or PM and tell me how they accomodate folks with MCS. For instance, is there a fragrance-free room with a tv monitor available; if so, is it available for every service or only for a designated service.


Most important, if you or someone you know has been instrumental in having accomodations made for individuals who suffer from MCS, would you let me know the process you went through to accomplish this.


Finally, I'm not asking for a debate as to whether or not anyone thinks MCS is 'real,' or should be accomodated......I only want to know if you attend a church or a doctor's office (for instance) where it is acknowledged and provisions are made for those individuals, I'd like to know more. I would like to present the idea of accomodating these people at our Church.



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What a thoughtful idea! I hope you get some ideas.


A good friend of mine has MCS. She reacts *strongly* to any chemical scent. Her family would go to church and they'd have to stop on the way home at her dh's parent's house and change clothes and rub down with vinegar because of the perfumes they came in contact with at church. :(


In her case, a chemical free room wouldn't help because of the perfumes and other chemicals in the church, unless there was an exterior door.


It would have to be a carpet free room, cleaned only with vinegar and baking soda. If it were ever used for another purpose, the room would have to be aired out and cleaned thoroughly before Sunday.


There would also have to be a way to make sure no one else accidentally walked into the room. Whoever opened the room in the morning would have to absolutely be chemical free or not even set foot in the room.


This would be such a blessing for my friend...to know that a church would make accommodations for her. And to possibly meet other people who had the same challenge.

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I feel for your friend! My dd29 would love to attend church - but she suffers from MCS so badly that the times she has tried, she has had to leave. A month ago, she and her dh attended so they could see the twins baptized and make First Communion - but she ended up outside for most of the service, and then sick at home the rest of the day.


I have seen websites for doctor's offices that have a notice regarding the wearing of fragrance, and one of the doctor's that my daughter goes to also has a fragrance-free IV room so if one is getting an IV and they have MCS, they don't have to worry.


I'm hoping that someone here will have blazed this trail and can give me some helpful hints.


Thanks -- and blessings to your friend!:grouphug:

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the church we use to attend before my husband got MCS has a phone link up. we listen on the phone.


the problem with it though is out of sight out of mind. after several years, the church no longer thinks we are members. and they are even starting to shun us. A whole different topic!


I'm so sorry! Our church has on-line listening capability, but it's a rather large church and I'm hoping they can do something to accomodate folks.


To that end, I sent an email to the Pastor with whom I am most acquainted, and who is tasked to handle an issue such as this. I'll see what happens. I have proposed a simple yet complete plan to educate and accomodate.

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I don't go to a church with a MCS accomaditions but we haven't had any problems at all. My dd and I bought get migraines from many perfumes and smells and people here just don't wear them. It is a large very tall sanctuary so that probably helps a lot too.


Hi, Chris: Question: Have you asked folks not to wear those scents? Curious. Thanks


I think Bethlehem Baptist in Minnesota makes accomodations? Might be a lead you can follow there. . . .


I will check it out -- and WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? HOW IS EVERYTHING GOING?:confused:

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No, I don't have to talk to anyone about it. People just don't seem to be wearing perfumes or other smelly things in the circles I travel in.


Maybe its because they know how to wear scents. After all, you shouldn't be having it that people can smell it from a distance. It should only be that someone standing very close to you can smell it. Since I am not snuggling with church members other than my family, and that's not even in church, I don't have a problem. But really, I think that perfume wearing has just gone out of style.

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