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The S word drives my mom crazy...

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Whenever my mother talks to others about me homeschooling my dd it drives her crazy when they ask about socialization. She goes on and on and does make some great points. I am sure they are sorry they brought it up. :lol: I think a few things about this are funny. She was very anti-homeschooling until she started seeing the results and now she is the best homeschooling advocate. The other thing that occurred to me is that we are both finding that people ask less and less about academics (maybe they are seeing proof that homeschoolers are achieving so much) and are only focusing on socialization as a negative now. What is your personal experience with homeschooling criticism?

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hmph. My daughter was sized up by a man at church this last Sunday. He's the parent of one of my Sunday School students, and he just gawked at my dd when he learned she was homeschooled. It was an awkward 45 seconds of him trying to find how we hid her other 3 heads. :tongue_smilie: He then proclaimed, "well, it is my opinion that we must train our children to fit in to society," to which I ignored the urge to point out that his daughter doesn't speak a word of any known language, and instead I nodded emphatically. "Oh, absolutely! To be all that God made them to be, and to be valued members of society, oh yes, I totally agree!" to which he now looked at me like I had 3 heads. Oh well.


I agree with you though. I think the report card is out on academics and the results speak for themselves. They're just grasping at straws. Anything different is up for debate.


And a big YAY for your mom! :D

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hmph. My daughter was sized up by a man at church this last Sunday. He's the parent of one of my Sunday School students, and he just gawked at my dd when he learned she was homeschooled. It was an awkward 45 seconds of him trying to find how we hid her other 3 heads. :tongue_smilie: He then proclaimed, "well, it is my opinion that we must train our children to fit in to society," to which I ignored the urge to point out that his daughter doesn't speak a word of any known language, and instead I nodded emphatically. "Oh, absolutely! To be all that God made them to be, and to be valued members of society, oh yes, I totally agree!" to which he now looked at me like I had 3 heads. Oh well.


I agree with you though. I think the report card is out on academics and the results speak for themselves. They're just grasping at straws. Anything different is up for debate.


And a big YAY for your mom! :D


That dad is a doofus. I wish I could have your grace and compassion, because I would have said something rude. But I will file your response in my little brain. Thank you.

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Drives my dad up the wall everytime someone criticizes homeschooling over "socialization". Lately everytime he sees another story on the news about someone being bullied until they do something drastic, a huge brawl errupts at a school, someone starts waving a gun around the school, etc., he starts yelling "yep, that right there is the kind of socialization every kid in the world needs. Every single reason why I do not want my grandkids in public school anymore."


Our younger ds's 2nd grade teacher made a big issue at the first parent-teacher conferrence about soicalization for homeschooling. Total change at the second conferrence, suddenly he's agreeing that public school socializtion is not all it's cracked up to be, especially for developmentally disabled kids.

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I rarely hear questions about academics. When I do, they're quick to move on to the S-word after hearing my answer.


The other day, I highlighted the fact that my kids are around other kids of *all ages, only to be asked exactly how many 17yos they're around. I was so taken off guard that I forgot to ask how many 17yos the average (non-17yo) ps student spends time with. :001_huh:

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I got into a really loud argument with my mother last weekend about homeschooling.




It was my fault for bringing it up.


According to my mother homeschooling is wrong but bullying is okay (aka kids being kids).


Its hard sometimes to believe we are related.

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When people ask me about socialization I simply say one of the following depending on the conversation:


"It is just a myth for most homeschoolers, the only ones who really have issues are the people who purposefully live in isolation. "


"it is a misnomer for most homeschoolers. The kids are usually so busy with activities there is plenty of time for socialization with fellow children in the classes and with neighborhood kids."


"the unsocialized kids that you hear of in the new may have social issues whether or not they were in public schools. We all remember a kid or two from public school that was totally out of it. Now, parents who have a struggling child can homeschool and tailor the education to the child's strengths."


"honestly, would you want a group of 9yos being the ones who socialize your child, with only 1 adult in the classroom to moderate them all, while teaching!"


I have various other comments that people can either ask more questions about my answer or it allows the conversation to end.

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