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Oh my! I can't read texting at all.

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I hardly use my cell phone. It's an extra that came with my husband's plan for his business. Because it is a write off and he needs minutes for work, I try not to use it. That said, I also don't have a data plan so no texting for me.


So, having said that, an old friend from high school sent me an instant message using Facebook's chat. He's using all the texting shortcuts and abbreviations. I can't figure out much of what he's saying! It's so much worse than I ever thought. Even after I told him I don't understand texting much, he's still not very understandable between the abbreviations and horrible spelling errors. Sometimes he's using the wrong word entirely (ie. take for thank). Oh my! Now I understand why everyone's so worried about writing ability.

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I am probably worse than you at reading phone text. I gave up my cell phone because I never used it. I never used the text feature when I had it. I am old fashioned when it comes to cell phones. I do not want to be bothered while driving or shopping or when I am out. If someone calls and I am not home they can call back when I am. To me nothing is so important that it can not wait until I get home. On the other hand I am grateful that the technology is available for emergency purposes and doctors can be reached easily etc. I am shocked that people think they ca text while they drive, and do text while they drive. This has made roads dangerous as you never know about the car next to you. It is sad that children are sleeping with phones under their pillows waiting on a text from their friend. I don't know how to text and I don't care to learn. Now people are using those cell phones for all sorts of stuff. I best get off my soap box. I think I would constantly reply to your friend like this "Come again?" "What?" They would think I was a moron with my responses, because I would make it clear that I do not understand text jibberish.

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I love texting but I don't use any abbreviations. Most of the people I text with are the same -- but I guess I'm guessing that's because I text mostly with people my age-ish. I find texting very handy and does serve a good purpose at times. Plus it keeps the cell phone further away from my brain. :001_smile:

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I had to text a friend who's in another state once to tell her to STOP texting me, especially STOP sending photos!!!!!! We don't have a text plan. Well, it was SO hard to type that text, my phone had an 'auto-fill' option turned on, so no matter what letter I typed it would 'guess' the most absurd words to auto fill for me. I had to wait till my DH showed me how to turn that option off so I could type real words. I'm sure this feature causes many 'typos' for frequent texters, and they may even just adopt that 'take' can mean many different things, and just figure it out based on the context or something.

*I* am not interested in it.

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I hardly use my cell phone. It's an extra that came with my husband's plan for his business. Because it is a write off and he needs minutes for work, I try not to use it. That said, I also don't have a data plan so no texting for me.


So, having said that, an old friend from high school sent me an instant message using Facebook's chat. He's using all the texting shortcuts and abbreviations. I can't figure out much of what he's saying! It's so much worse than I ever thought. Even after I told him I don't understand texting much, he's still not very understandable between the abbreviations and horrible spelling errors. Sometimes he's using the wrong word entirely (ie. take for thank). Oh my! Now I understand why everyone's so worried about writing ability.


I know how you feel. I don't have texting enabled on my phone either. There is a woman I know that sends me texting type emails and I've had to write her back telling her I can't understand what she is saying. I really can't. some of it I can figure out, but there is some stuff that I just have no idea what it means. :confused::confused:

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