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A Beka Math ?


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I have been using A Beka Arithmetic 1 with DD for part of this year. We really love it and were wondering what things we really need to make the program work well. Right now we have the Homeschool Manual and the Student Workbook. Would the drill cards be something I should have? How about the games and charts?

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For 2nd-4th grades I bought the Home School Curriculum Lesson Plans, the Home School Charts and Games, the Teacher Key (has the student's pages w/answers), student book, the Tests & Speed Drills Book, and Test Answers.


I used the games a little, but I found the charts were helpful, so I would recommend them. You can use any old flash cards, you don't necessarily need ABeka's flash cards, but I do think flash cards are necessary too.


For me, two important parts of ABeka's math were 1) the speed drills and 2) the oral drills and practice that were found in the Curriculum/Lesson Plans book (done before you start working in the student book).


That's just me, but you asked :)



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We have used the first grade Abeka math book, and I agree with Diane, the speed drills are good; any oral/mental math drills will be icing on the cake. You don't have to just use the ones in the lesson plans book (if you are trying to save costs and not buy more); but the lesson plans do have ideas for games, etc. if that is more of what you are looking for.

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I can't believe how much A Beka's flashcards cost. I will definitely be buying them somewhere else. However, they are essential, I believe. I taught 7th grade math for a year in a Christian school and was amazed at how these kids didn't have their facts at their fingertips and how much it hampered their ability to do math. We're working at finishing up Math 1 with DS1, too and I've been very pleased by his progress. I think it's an excellent math program. Those facts, however, have been ds's bugaboo. We go over them a lot, but somehow he either doesn't trust what he knows or he gets all flustered with the speed=drills because he uses his fingers a lot. When we do the oral work, he doesn't use his fingers, but those speed-drills get him shook up. He either gets 100% with time to spare, or he gets half of them done and of those, half right.

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We are currently in 2nd grade A beka math. I have the Curriculum guide, test and speed drill book, and the student workbook. I also have purchased the drill set A. I really don't think you need the drill set. Flash cards are a must, but I agree with the above posts that you can make your own or get them somewhere else because of A beka's price. As for the games and charts, I didn't purchase them since I have made up my own math games for us to play.:001_smile:


I am very happy with this math program and my son loves the workbook pages.

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I've used A Beka Math 1-3 so far. I've never ordered the charts, games, or flash cards. I do have a set of our own flashcards (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) from Wal-Mart that I use with the kids. I've also made some of our own months, number, and place value cards that mimic some of A Beka's. I made my own "0-100" chart.


I usually order the Curriculum lesson plans, test/speed drill book (& answer key), and student workbook. I would add that above Arithmetic 3, I'd get the answer key (Teacher's Guide) as well because I don't want to take as long to do all the problems myself to check their daily work. I've been able to quickly do the ones up to now (3), but it is getting more time consuming.

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I wanted to add that one of my sons loved the speed drills, but I always added extra time to the timer. When I used the time the TM suggested, he would only finish 3/4 of the drill and then come unglued. His goal through the year was simply to better his speed and get them all right. By the end of the year he was mostly able to finish in the recommended time.

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any oral/mental math drills will be icing on the cake. You don't have to just use the ones in the lesson plans book (if you are trying to save costs and not buy more); but the lesson plans do have ideas for games, etc. if that is more of what you are looking for.


My opinion of the Curriculum/Lesson Plans is that it is invaluable; the lessons are incomplete without that book. So, I feel it's not just good to have -- it's necessary to have in order to be successful in the program. I think an additional benefit of doing the lesson the way the Curriculum/Lesson Plans delineate is that it makes it more interesting -- there are a variety of activities in the lesson, and I think that's good.


I solved my son's anxiety about the speed drills by not timing him. In 1st and 2nd grades he would just do the speed drill at his own pace -- which really wasn't very speedy, lol. In 3rd and 4th I timed him by putting the timer on "count-up", iow I would note how long it took him to do the speed drill, and his speed improved a little over time. I felt it was counter-productive to have all that fretting, b/c it would slow his time down anyway with him being so anxious. This solved our problem totally. We do the Stanford Achievement Tests, and these days they are not timed; test prep would have been my only reason for timing him on things, but since the Stanford tests are not timed any more I didn't have to worry about that -- thankfully!!! None of my kids are fast at academic things, they take after me :)


Also wanted to mention that I did buy Drill Set A and used it, too. I bet you could find one on the for sale boards somewhere. I felt those cards were helpful.

Edited by DianeJM
forgot to mention something
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