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More info on Agave- seems there is a lot of misinformation out there....

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I just received the following in my inbox this morning and I am changing my mind about agave- it really depends on the brand, obviously. Unfortunately I dont know the brand that RoarVanilla uses, but since they are local people to me, I intend to find out :) I know they are good, ethical people. I am very glad to have received this info.

Their address is roarvanilla.com if anyone wants to follow it up further.



Roar Vanilla Agave Syrup




We have received a number of emails over the past few weeks regarding our Agave syrup and the use and promotion of Agave as a healthier sweetener alternative.


Agave nectar - The high fructose health fraud, an article written by Rami Nagel and 'Beware of the Agave Nectar Health Food Hype by Dr Mercola are the sources of the interest and confusion. Both authors have presented some valid information regarding conventionaly grown and processed Blue Webber Agave. However, the information presented is not an accurate

representation of our Agave products.


The following information was provided to us by our supplier, so I thought I would forward it on for those interested.




Our Agave is a Wild Maguey (Salmiana variety). It is wild crafted, certified organic and organically processed at low temperature. Our supplier works closely with the Indiginous association of Ixmiquilpan. We have met their growers in person and seen their operation. Our growers do not produce tequila, they run a small-scale operation producing only Agave Syrup. Our agave is raw - it is vacuum evaporated at 45 degrees and a certified organic, vegan enzyme is used to break down the sugars. It contains 70 - 75% fructose unlike the Blue Webber variety, which can have fructose levels as high as 90%. Dr Mercola states that "Agave nectar ias a final product is mostly chemically refined fructose". The sugars in our agave nectar come from the breakdown of the inulin molecule through the introduction of the certifued vegan enzyme. It is in no way chemically refined, there are no chemicals involved in any part of the production or packaging process. Their growers do not use any chemicals, ionic reisns, sulphuric/hydrocholric acid, dicalite, clarimex in the manufacturing of our Agave syrup. This has been independently audited and verified by Australian Cerftified Organic. It is refined only as much as the excess moisture is removed from the juice of the plant.


Dr Mercola is also erroneous in stating that dark agave is bunt. The light and clear varieties of Agave have undergone filtration, which is why when they are lighter in colour. The dark agave is righer in minerals, which results in its darker colour.


Unlike high fructose corn syrup that stores its energy as starch, Agave syrup stores its energy as inulin, also known as Fructans or Levulose. Inulin is typically found in roots or rhyzomes. There is no starch in Agave Syrup. Inulin bypasses digestion in the stomach and small intestine and is acyually digested in the large intenstine. Inulin actually feeds the probiotic bacteria in our digestive system.


Agave syrup is concentrated like fruit juice. Like all sweeteners, we believe thay Agave syrup be consumed in moderation. When used respectfully. Agave syrup does have health promoting properties. Overconsumption and inappropriately useing Agave is what leads to health issues and puts our bodies out of balance.




Warmest regards,


The Roar Vanilla Team!

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Unlike high fructose corn syrup that stores its energy as starch, Agave syrup stores its energy as inulin, also known as Fructans or Levulose. Inulin is typically found in roots or rhyzomes. There is no starch in Agave Syrup. Inulin bypasses digestion in the stomach and small intestine and is acyually digested in the large intenstine. Inulin actually feeds the probiotic bacteria in our digestive system.
It's too early to say definitively, but fructans may help protect against osteoporosis.
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