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Guinea Pig Advice Needed

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My 12 yo dd got her first pet when we adopted a guinea pig last October. We were told she was 2 or 3 years old. We feel we rescued her and gave her a better life. With us she went to the vet for the first time and got medicine to clear up an eye infection, walking dandruff, and ear problems. She recovered nicely and her hair has filled in fully where she previously has been scratching. We made her a new cage that is about twice as large. We use towels and fleece bedding, sweeping up the poos several times daily and change the entire bedding weekly.


A new problem came up. We found blood in the cage. Originally the vet thought it was a UTI. Now he thinks it is a problem with her uterus. The vet gave us some kind of homeopathic drops to try for a month to see if it clears up. We still see blood drops on the towels we use under the fleece bedding.


I know when we go back to the vet the next decision we need to make is giving her a hysterectomy (leaving the ovaries). The vet estimated the cost at $250, but we'll get the official cost when we see him again. She is in NO pain, and the vet assured us that we would know if she was in pain because they don't tolerate pain well. She eats well and has not shown any behaviorial changes. He said they would not send samples to a lab to see if there was cancer so it seems it could be a preventative measure, but she still could have cancer I suppose. He said we could just continue on knowing she will just spot blood.


Should I spend this kind of money on the guinea pig? I guess I wouldn't think so hard on this decision if she was a dog with personality. She basically eats and poops. The cutest she gets is calling for more food! She doesn't show any sort of affection toward us, but my dd shows affection to her. I realize this sounds terrible, but she isn't in any pain and $250+ sounds like a lot of money. We've already spent over $500 since October with vet visits, medication, shots, and outfitting her new cage.



Edited by Evergreen State Sue
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We wouldnt spend that much on a guinea pig. My daughter just got one for her 12th birthday and we actually had a talk with her about that. We told her that if anything happened we would buy her a new one but you have to think how much more that would be than to just get another one. Im not a cold hearted person- and certainly would (and have spent over $1,000 on our pug that had PDE a year ago before he died) but I just couldnt justify that on a guinea pig. Putting it that way- my daughter understood! Good luck

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Thanks for confirming what I thought. Now I just have to break it to my dd.


Has anyone else experienced this before with a Guinea Pig?


We see many g.pigs with uterine problems and breeding problems. Most of our clinets do go through with surgery and they do quite well UNLESS they develop an infection before hand. The stress of the infection seems to be too much + the stress of the surgery.


It is entirely your choice about doing the surgery or not. She is not exihibiting pain right now(which is good) and I would probaly discuss with your daughter the possibility that if she does develop additional problems from this situation that euthanasia might need to be discussed but it also depends on your families thoughts on that.


As she had a urine sample checked/evaluated yet for infection that way or crystals?


Hang in there:grouphug:

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I'm only writing to sympathize. I have a mouse who is dying right now, and my little animal-lovin' heart is breaking. DH won't approve any money to take the little mouse to the vet. DH reminds me that I have rat-poison out in the barn to kill (distant) relatives of this mouse. I know it's all true. But when these little critters get in your heart, it hurts to see them suffer, and it hurts to lose them. So, I'm sorry you're having trouble with your GP, and I'm sorry for your and your daughter's hurt.

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