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Self-education: TWEM or TOG Rhetoric?

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With much trepidation I am going to start down the road of self-education. As a family we use TOG and will through high school. So I've been waffling between working The Well-Educated Mind list or just doing TOG rhetoric for the next 4 years while my son does dialectic. Part of me thinks it seems obvious that doing TOG rhetoric would make me best prepared to teach them TOG in high school. Is there any reason why I am wrong in that assumption? In all honesty I'm just scared I think LOL! Advice in general would be much appreciated.

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With much trepidation I am going to start down the road of self-education. As a family we use TOG and will through high school. So I've been waffling between working The Well-Educated Mind list or just doing TOG rhetoric for the next 4 years while my son does dialectic. Part of me thinks it seems obvious that doing TOG rhetoric would make me best prepared to teach them TOG in high school. Is there any reason why I am wrong in that assumption? In all honesty I'm just scared I think LOL! Advice in general would be much appreciated.


Since you have TOG, I'd go with TOG Rhetoric level. Have a great trip.

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TOG would be fantastic. I don't get the Confessions comment above, sorry. I read a bunch of it too, so maybe I'm not learning as much as I think I am :D


I think the thing about TOG is the variety of disciplines covered.

Philosophy alone has me pondering, pondering, pondering most weeks. I'm learning more about geography than I ever have in my life! The literature of year 2 is not appealing to me, but back when we did year 4, I actually enjoyed the reading lists, not just learned from them.


As I'm teaching the rhetoric level week by week I find I dont' have as much time to devote to self ed as I'd like. That's ok because I still learn a ton prepping for discussions most weeks. I don't do every week the way I'd like to (preparing I mean) but I've learned something anyway.


About the WEM method, or I just saw something about AO, you can use any combination of those methods. Don't sweat it, just start. Right at the TOG week you're on. You'll be surprised at how quickly that drop by drop measures out.

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This is my retirement plan: Do TOG for three cycles until all of my kids are gone. Then make my fortune by appearing on Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I know I can win by then....:D




Can you imagine - a WTM Mom's Jeopardy show? Or how about if we all get on "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?"


Thanks - you made my day!



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I would just begin. You can just read. You can study the books by working through the TOG questions and then reading through the answers; the TOG schedule breaks things down into weekly chunks. :001_smile: Or you can use the WEM method of journalling. Although you won't have time to read through each work three times if you want to keep pace with what your kids are studying. ;)


I would scan through the teacher's notes and just begin something with a pencil in hand. Get what you can. Then try another item on the list. If you get behind, just keep moving. Pick a work that is in the unit that you are doing with your kids; don't worry about the ones that you missed. The folks who read these books/plays/poems when they were written didn't have the books that came before or after them. They were just reading too. The canon is a moving target; there is no official list. :001_smile:


So I would just start - really! That's the hardest part. Start small; try to read at least one literature work for each unit of TOG that you are studying with your kids. If you can't get to any of the others, then just read the notes for those books. Keep moving. I found out so much about what I really wanted to do with my kids in high-school by working through some of the Great Books on my own. It's so much nicer to have concrete ideas rather than nebulous thoughts like, "Yes, we're going to read the Great Books." Especially when I had never read them; I've found out that for our family, we don't want to read all of them. Honestly, I think some of them are REAL yawners! But we are enjoying so many of them. Like Goldilocks, some of them are just right! :001_smile:


Just start!

Have fun!



Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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Yeah Janice getting started will be the big hurdle lol! I ordered my first book and am waiting for it to come. My oldest is in 5th grade so I figure that with 4 years of study under my belt I'll be in prime place to do another 4 years digging into TWEM books while he's in high school. I'm getting myself excited about it all really. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement!

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I don't get the Confessions comment above, sorry. I read a bunch of it too, so maybe I'm not learning as much as I think I am :D



I know I'm not Rosie, but I play her on tv so... ;) She's was slogging her way through St. Augustine's Confessions and being very vocal about how much she disliked it in several threads. ;) :D I'm happy to say though that she has finally abandoned it and is feeling a much better woman for it. :) hehe

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I know I'm not Rosie, but I play her on tv so... ;) She's was slogging her way through St. Augustine's Confessions and being very vocal about how much she disliked it in several threads. ;) :D I'm happy to say though that she has finally abandoned it and is feeling a much better woman for it. :) hehe


:lol: Silly person! :lol:


I have abandoned the study of it, but am still reading it. I'm STILL reading it and want the credit for it, OK!




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