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Confession: What I brought home from the library for my 8 yods

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I confess I borrowed the following from our library for my son to read:


(2) Cul-De-Sac Kids books




(1) Darcy J. Doyle, Daring Detective


He devoured them.


Yes, I know, not exactly classic literature, but this was the first time I ever said, "Nathan I'd like you to read these before bedtime." Though he reads very well, and reads to me everyday, I wanted to start with something sort of catchy with a mystery to it, something on the easy side that would make him look forward to nights if reading.


I also borrowed a Boxcar Children book he requested.


So, the next time I go I'll find something more inspiring perhaps. :blush:


PS -- This is a child who has listened to the SOTW Volume 1 two times, Our Island Story once, and hundreds of audio books. So he does get quality literature.

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I agree there is nothing wrong with them. :D


It's just that most 8 year olds here are probably reading Jules Verne or perhaps Jane Austin. :lol:


potato chips? I love it! :lol:


Hmmm....my sons are currently devouring the classic and highly academic series called Amazing Athletes. ;) Along with some Magic School Bus (my ds6 loves these) and a little Magic Tree House on the side. :laugh:


I'm glad they love to read, and I try to steer them toward a good variety.

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While I haven't heard of those particular books, I am assuming this is a safe place to share that my youngest reluctant reader is being motivated to move through Phonics Pathways because then she can read Goosebumps books. :D


And I don't even care.

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My 10 YO is not reading Jane Austin and Jules Vern! LOL! But he does read *about* their stories in Wishbone and Illustrated Classics. (I know some of the faithful among us don't approve of those either.)


A hint: If you really want to get the classics in their head, they can LISTEN and comprehend much sooner than they can read and comprehend. We're plowing through Swiss Family Robinson on tape right now -- a long, ponderous book with long lectures on science and religion. No way would DS read it! (Or me either!) But he hasn't complained at all about listening to it.


BTW, am I the only one to hate Swiss Family Robinson? While I admire the dad's Christian values and good parenting, I am just about to puke at their good luck. Every time you blink they've discovered another treasure. Every animal they encounter is tamed and trained or killed in an instant with no danger to them or effort expended. I can hardly stand to listen anymore.

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We're plowing through Swiss Family Robinson on tape right now -- a long, ponderous book with long lectures on science and religion. No way would DS read it! (Or me either!) But he hasn't complained at all about listening to it.



My 8 yods just asked me today to rent this from the library again.


I have never read it. :blush:

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Good for you! My 12yo does not enjoy reading at all, although his reading skills are excellent. Since we are on Spring Break here, I took him to Borders yesterday and *forced* him to choose a book from the comic section (Far Side, Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, etc.). He reluctanly picked one of the few Calvin and Hobbes he hadn't read before, and has read about half of it already.


WHATEVER WORKS is my motto when it comes to getting my ds to read.:001_smile:

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My 10 YO is not reading Jane Austin and Jules Vern! LOL! But he does read *about* their stories in Wishbone and Illustrated Classics. (I know some of the faithful among us don't approve of those either.)



I got my dds of few of the Illustrated classics, one of which is Jane Eyre. When 9yodd told me what it was about, scemes of married men and other women, I wondered what in the world I'd given her and immediately I read the unabrideged version myself. Great book. I'd have never read it otherwise.


The other 9yodd can't get enough Magic Tree House. She's been reading them for 2 years is always looking for a different one at the used book store or library.


I like the idea of potato chip reading. Pretty funny.

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