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Veritas, Regina Coeli, Scholars Online?? Any feedback?

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I'm considering the following online classes:


For my ninth grader:

Veritas Geometry (because I like Jacobs Geometry text)

Scholars Online Biology (because I want to use a non-Christian text, not Wiles)

Regina Coeli Latin 1 (Henle? Wheelocks? Not sure which)


For my twelfth grader:

Scholars Online Physics (because I have BJU Physics on tape, but now-in-college kid could not get through this class, and I assume 12th grader will have similar trouble)


Anyone have any feedback on these classes? We've only done online classes through PA Homeschoolers, so this will be a big change for us.

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Thanks for the link! I actually did read this thread and it's what motivated me to research this option. I don't see any mention about Veritas in this thread, though ... anyone have experiences with it? I want to make sure it'll be worth the money ... which is not inconsiderable.

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with my oldest dd. She took Latin. They use Wheelock, and it has been a good class. She is having a hard time with it, but she is not an aggressive student.


I would say that Scholar's online is for advanced/type A type students. Their classes expect a lot. It seems like the teacher has been good, and she is always available if you have a question.


Despite the struggle my dd has had with the class, she would like to take other classes with them. I'm not going to let her, because honestly she is not a good fit to their program.



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We are planning to do Omnibus I online and probably the Chemistry class. I would like to also ask (and I hope the OP doesn't mind me asking this here instead of starting a new thread) for an estimate of about how much time the online Omnibus class is taking per week?


I have signed my rising 9th grader up for Omnibus I Primary and Secondary. I am also looking at an online French class at Potters school. I want him to be challenged, but I don't want him to drown.


I realize that all children are different so I am just looking for a little knowledge from those of you whose children did the Omnibus online last year.



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My son took Latin I thru III, several logic courses, Precalc, and Classical Composition with Regina Coeli and the experience was very positive. (He is now thriving at a competitive college).


The main drawback to the program is expense. Not that I think the courses are overpriced but now that we pay college tuition our family does not have as much to spend on highschool.:001_huh:

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Between my two oldest dd's, we have the following Latin experience:


Wheelock I and II with Scholars Online

Wheelock I-III with Regina Coeli


I agree with Kim in Appalachia that Scholars Online is best suited to self-motivated, academically aggressive students. Both of my dd's have preferred and have performed better with Regina Coeli. Their RC teacher was more involved in helping the students identify what they didn't understand. At SO, the students were responsible for knowing when they didn't understand something and seeking help. Also, the RC Latin assignments and exams were more structured than at SO.


The decision between Wheelock and Henle has to do with your dc's comfort with Latin. Wheelock students with little prior exposure tend to struggle. It's not impossible, but they have to work pretty hard.

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This information has been very helpful ... thanks!


I've registered my to-be-ninth grader in Veritas Geometry, and plan to register him in Biology with Scholars Online (he's very strong in science) and Latin 1 (Wheelocks) with Regina Coeli. I'd prefer Henle but the class conflicts with Geometry. He's done a lot of French so maybe he'll be okay. I might try to bribe him into doing some easy Latin this summer :)


My to-be-twelfth grader does NOT want an online class in addition to the three APs he's planning to do with PA Homeschoolers, so I'm considering Indiana University Physics 1 and 2.


Anyone had experience with IU? At least the book they're using looks good, and if he doesn't get into the state-funded scholastic program he's applied for this summer, he could start Physics this summer (needless to say, he's now absolutely LONGING to get into the state program :) )

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