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Dh is a ps teacher and was beaten by 4 students...

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Laurel, I googled the incident. These girls are from a violent family and have a violent past. I'm sure you know this. If these girls don't get more than a slap on the wrist they may kill someone next time. I sympathize with you and your dh's situation. I'm so very sorry.

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Oh Laurel... I'm so sorry for you. We'll be praying for you and your dh. I must say that I do admire people who are called to teach public school... it is a tough job, and I'm sure for some of these kids a much better place to be than a violent home. But as a wife, that probably isn't very much comfort. Ugh. Please come and vent here... it must be so scary.

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How horrifying! I understand your concerns and I admire your husband’s commitment to these kids... How sad that this is the learning environment these kids have!


I’m so sorry, and I’m glad your husband is ok.... I hope you both can find an amicable solution.... it’s a tough one.

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