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Oxford World in Ancient Times-question about student and teacher guides


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I bought one just to look at - they're very thin and seem to be very straightforward fill-in-the blank, multiple-choice type stuff. Boring and simplistic. I was completely underwhelmed.


The books themselves, on the other hand, are just wonderful. We're still on Sumer, so I told my dd to read the first 4 chapters of the Ancient Near East. She "accidentally" read the first fourteen chapters, and almost begged to be able to finish the whole book. :hurray:


ETA: After reading Jackie's descriptions, I thought I should clarify that I only have a Student Guide - I don't have a Teacher's Guide.

Edited by matroyshka
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In the Teacher Guides, there are 4 pages for each chapter in the corresponding book. The first 2 pages have things like unit objectives, connections to other disciplines & "extended learning" suggestions, as well as 4-5 comprehension questions and 2-3 "critical thinking questions." Then there is a black-line master (e.g. a graphic organizer, map, or something similar) and a chapter test with 3-5 multiple choice, 1-2 short answer, and 1 essay question. They're designed more for classroom use (e.g. including suggestions for group activities and differentiated learning), but would be useful for a parent who wants comprehension & quiz questions and an essay topic for each chapter. The BLM and test pages can be legally photocopied.


The Student Guides have 2 pages for each book chapter, which include a short chapter summary, list of important names or vocabulary words, and a page of fill-in-the-blank comprehension questions.




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I bought one just to look at - they're very thin and seem to be very straightforward fill-in-the blank, multiple-choice type stuff. Boring and simplistic. I was completely underwhelmed.
:iagree: I picked up a couple and doubt we'll use them.
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We have been reading these books this year. I have been using the TG's and making up a worksheet for each chapter. There are comprehension and critical thinking questions in the guide and I pick and choose the ones I want to use. Often I will copy the map and primary source page as well and give him those to answer.


I bought one student guide and did not find it nearly as useful.


Ruth in NC

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