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I'm am so excited about our coming school year!

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I cannot wait to start our new books.


We're doing Sonlight 6 for history/literature and I'm so excited. This year has been the first year that I don't have babies/toddlers to interrupt read alouds (which has made the process unenjoyable in the past), so we're all really looking forward to reading all the books.


We're doing a year of Easy Grammar so we can focus on writing, and I'm so excited about Writing Strands and teaching writing now that I've listened to SWB's Middle Grade writing lecture.


My older 4 will be attending a one day enrichment program where they'll get hands on science and art, among other things, and I'll have the day with my youngest to do the fun things I normally don't have time for (and I can stop trying to fit art and science in here at home). Oh, and they'll be attending with 4 other families that we've known forever, so they'll get to spend time with some of their friends as well.


I'm looking forward to teaching logic to my oldest (I loved it in college--now if I can just remember it :001_huh:), especially now that I'm seeing signs that his brain is ready to tackle these things.


Is anyone else excited?

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I am too! My ds has asked to learn Japanese and we're taking a year to focus on Asian Studies as well, I'm putting together various resources. I've been reading a lot on Asian history, things I've never studied, learning for me too.


I recently got my DVDs for Latin Alive (which I'm going through) and they are great. I'm so glad I invested.


I'm also wiping the dust off of a few things on my shelf that I've been meaning to use and I've worked them into the schedule for next year.


I feel like next year will have more balance than this year. We've hit a few bumps this year and took several weeks to get back moving again. Now I know where ds is at in those subjects I feel like we'll be able to move seamlessly into our groove for next year.


My buying is 90% done and now I can get to the planning. :hurray:

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I am too! My ds has asked to learn Japanese and we're taking a year to focus on Asian Studies as well, I'm putting together various resources. I've been reading a lot on Asian history, things I've never studied, learning for me too.


Sounds fun! You guys should fine a Judo club to check out :D. What are you using for Japanese?

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I'm glad I'm not the only one! I made dh sit down and listen to me talk about our curriculum and I showed him all the books, etc. I finished our schedule for next year yesterday and besides a couple of odds and ends and new art supplies we are set. I feel so relieved and excited to start.

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Wow! You guys are really on the ball. I am just starting to plan for next year, and will do most of my purchasing next month at the Midwest Homeschool Convention. But I am excited for next year, even though I don't know what we are doing yet.

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We just had our "box day" with our Core 6!! We are so excited!! Maybe we can share notes next year! My dd and I have already grabbed a reader from our box.:D


I cannot wait to start our new books.


We're doing Sonlight 6 for history/literature and I'm so excited. This year has been the first year that I don't have babies/toddlers to interrupt read alouds (which has made the process unenjoyable in the past), so we're all really looking forward to reading all the books.


We're doing a year of Easy Grammar so we can focus on writing, and I'm so excited about Writing Strands and teaching writing now that I've listened to SWB's Middle Grade writing lecture.


My older 4 will be attending a one day enrichment program where they'll get hands on science and art, among other things, and I'll have the day with my youngest to do the fun things I normally don't have time for (and I can stop trying to fit art and science in here at home). Oh, and they'll be attending with 4 other families that we've known forever, so they'll get to spend time with some of their friends as well.


I'm looking forward to teaching logic to my oldest (I loved it in college--now if I can just remember it :001_huh:), especially now that I'm seeing signs that his brain is ready to tackle these things.


Is anyone else excited?

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I sure am. I have Memoria Press K to start with my DD after Easter (she's finishing up MFW-K next week) and then HOD-BLHFHG for my DS and DD for the stuff they can do together which we'll start in August. I also got God's Design for Heaven and Earth and can't WAIT to start that program. Just leafing through it I learned several new things that I found fascinating.


I know I can't just jump into the new stuff since we're only a little over halfway through LHFHG but I WANT to! It all just looks so good and fun:lol::lol::lol:

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I am too! My ds has asked to learn Japanese and we're taking a year to focus on Asian Studies as well, I'm putting together various resources. I've been reading a lot on Asian history, things I've never studied, learning for me too.




I'd love to hear what you've found. My ds13 is obsessed with Japanese culture, and our congregation shares a church building with a Korean congregation, so we've learned some things about Korean culture, too. (Like kimchi!) Next year, I'm planning to take the first ten weeks to do Brimwood Press's program, then do a unit on Native American history and cultures (which I feel we've neglected), then I was trying to figure out what to do for the next semester. Asian Studies would be a huge hit! (Ds has already started learning Japanese, and we'll probably use Irasshai.) You're brilliant! So, just plan it all out, and let me know what to buy and do, okay? :D



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