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I desperately need help!!!


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I entered a note on the general board but only got one response.


Has anyone EVER encountered this? My oldest dd has been using MUS, and as most of you know, it focuses on one general concept for the entire year, throwing in other computations to keep them fluent in math. Math has always been pretty easy for my dd. All of a sudden, two weeks ago my daughter started to get almost everything wrong on ALL her papers, not only math. I mentioned math because of the MUS program layout and it comes easier for her. Also, she can't follow directions for the life of her.


If this were an issue all along, I'd not be so concerned. But to all of a sudden not be able to do her work - this is alarming me terribly!


Has ANYONE ever gone through this before? What do you think about her not being able to follow written directions?


The one response I got on the general board was to take some time off, along with great suggestions for retention, which has also become a HUGE issue! We had Fed. vacation off as my oldest boys are in public HS. I don't feel right taking more time off now.


Homeschooling my boys was so easy. I just never really hit roadblocks like this. Younger ds had issues COMPLETING his work, as does older dd, but he was diagnosed with mild, inattentive ADD, and I definitely see the signs in my dd.


HELP!!!! I don't know what to do or where to turn!


I should mention she has a pineal cyst in her brain. Although all the doctors we've seen are certain it poses no threat or issues, I have read that it can cause cognitive issues. I don't know what to do there, either, because all drs just Poo Poo me away when I try to link the cyst to other issues or show ANY concern about it at all. Most people live with them with no issues other than migraines, which dd had in school but rarely has now at home. (I'm certain it was the flourescent lighting in the school.)


Help, please!!!

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A few of things come to mind besides the possible connection to her cyst:


1) She is close to hitting puberty (or may have already) and sometimes it does funny things to their memory.

2) Has she changed her eating habits such as including more sugary & dyed foods?

3) An major event has recently happened (death of a loved one or pet etc)


Praying you will find the answer to this change in learning.

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I have no insight or suggestions other than to follow your instincts. Docs can poo-poo a mama all they want but you KNOW when something isn't right.


Certainly it could be food or hormone related. It sounds as though it came on quite suddenly which is what would have me most concerned. I'd probably take her back in to check on her cyst and make sure it hasn't grown or otherwise couldn't be causing these problems.



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1. I would recheck the cyst.


2. I would talk it over with the pediatrician and ask for a blood panel - there may be some sudden imbalance in vitamin/mineral/enzymes, which can be caused by a myriad of factors that can affect learning and performance. It couldn't hurt to just check into it, and they may even decide to do a thyroid panel. Definitely ask.


3. I would start asking her about time spent with her friends, how she feels about certain friends, etc. This did happen with our daughter at age 8, and we found out (I won't go into details) that there were some very bad things that had happened with another child who was older than she was. Once we were able to deal with all of it, she wasn't so distracted from her work.


Hope this helps, and pray that you'll find the solution.

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Hormones caused my dd all kinds of issues around this age. She started her cycle just before she turned 11. She too was having horrible migraines. She had troubles concentrating and common sense! Well, let's just say it had flown out the window! LOL! We went to several different specialists for her migraines and not one ever mentioned hormones as a possibility. Several other possibilities were mentioned of course. They had us scared stiff with all of the CT scans and MRIs. One ENT specialist even told us it was just her allergies and we needed to move to the beach. I asked him if he could write us a prescription for that so the insurance could cover it. LOL! But not long after her cycle started, and things started to level off. She was only getting mild headaches during her cycle and she started to act more like herself again.


Also, if you are stressing about the situation, she can sense that and it can cause additional stress on her as well. (I know it did on my dd) You can always have her cyst checked again to ease your mind.


:grouphug: and prayers for you. I know all to well how it feels to know that something is just not right, but no one has the answers for you. I would definitely not stress about school work right now until things calm down for you. Take it one day at a time. Praying you find the answers you need.

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How suddenly did this come on? Has it been progressively getting worse over the last two weeks? Was it an overnight change? You say she can't understand written directions. Can she understand oral directions? Can she write coherently? Is her reading comprehension down, too? Is she experiencing any physical symptoms, like dizziness or weakness? Is she herself worried about this? What explanation does she give? Is it constant, or does it get better or worse at different times? If you go over the problems with her, is she able to do them? Are some skills not affected? Which ones?


Any sudden change like that with no apparent cause would worry me, too. I wish I had something helpful to offer. I can only suggest trying to narrow down the exact parameters of the problem. If you think it's serious, I would take her for a medical exam.

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Well, I go through this time to time with my dd8. I always say that she "quits" on me. In her case, we do just take a break. I find that if I keep pushing her, we both get stressed out. Most times after the break (maybe a few hours, or a few days -- or a couple of weeks) she's back and ready to work. Most of the time, she has absorbed what we were trying to learn during the meltdown and is ready to move on. Even if she is not "doing school" she's still learning, just maybe not the things that I had scheduled. But as others have already stated, if you are concerned that something else might be wrong, let that Mama's instinct take over. Much better to be safe than ....





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A few of things come to mind besides the possible connection to her cyst:


1) She is close to hitting puberty (or may have already) and sometimes it does funny things to their memory.

2) Has she changed her eating habits such as including more sugary & dyed foods?

3) An major event has recently happened (death of a loved one or pet etc)


Praying you will find the answer to this change in learning.


1 - yes, but no breast buds yet so I'm assuming not that close.


2 - no major event this year. Thank goodness!!!


3 - no.


Thank you!!!

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I have no insight or suggestions other than to follow your instincts. Docs can poo-poo a mama all they want but you KNOW when something isn't right.


Certainly it could be food or hormone related. It sounds as though it came on quite suddenly which is what would have me most concerned. I'd probably take her back in to check on her cyst and make sure it hasn't grown or otherwise couldn't be causing these problems.




yes, I think I'm going to insist on another MRI.


Drs can poo poo but what does a mom do who's seen 3 pediatricians and 4 neurologists? Boston's Children's Hospital is where she's seen. :glare:

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1. I would recheck the cyst.


2. I would talk it over with the pediatrician and ask for a blood panel - there may be some sudden imbalance in vitamin/mineral/enzymes, which can be caused by a myriad of factors that can affect learning and performance. It couldn't hurt to just check into it, and they may even decide to do a thyroid panel. Definitely ask.


3. I would start asking her about time spent with her friends, how she feels about certain friends, etc. This did happen with our daughter at age 8, and we found out (I won't go into details) that there were some very bad things that had happened with another child who was older than she was. Once we were able to deal with all of it, she wasn't so distracted from her work.


Hope this helps, and pray that you'll find the solution.


oh, I didn't think of a blood panel! Thanks!!!


She is really never around friends without me being present. The few she is, she's known for years. I did ask her today how she felt, did she feel differently, etc. She feels fine. She does, however, have issues with memory.

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Hormones caused my dd all kinds of issues around this age. She started her cycle just before she turned 11. She too was having horrible migraines. She had troubles concentrating and common sense! Well, let's just say it had flown out the window! LOL! We went to several different specialists for her migraines and not one ever mentioned hormones as a possibility. Several other possibilities were mentioned of course. They had us scared stiff with all of the CT scans and MRIs. One ENT specialist even told us it was just her allergies and we needed to move to the beach. I asked him if he could write us a prescription for that so the insurance could cover it. LOL! But not long after her cycle started, and things started to level off. She was only getting mild headaches during her cycle and she started to act more like herself again.


Also, if you are stressing about the situation, she can sense that and it can cause additional stress on her as well. (I know it did on my dd) You can always have her cyst checked again to ease your mind.


:grouphug: and prayers for you. I know all to well how it feels to know that something is just not right, but no one has the answers for you. I would definitely not stress about school work right now until things calm down for you. Take it one day at a time. Praying you find the answers you need.


Thank you, Anne-Marie. I did stress out initially but now I'm certain she's not just being lazy. Something more is going on. I don't think it's hormones yet but I plan to see the pediatrician.

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How suddenly did this come on? Has it been progressively getting worse over the last two weeks? Was it an overnight change? You say she can't understand written directions. Can she understand oral directions? Can she write coherently? Is her reading comprehension down, too? Is she experiencing any physical symptoms, like dizziness or weakness? Is she herself worried about this? What explanation does she give? Is it constant, or does it get better or worse at different times? If you go over the problems with her, is she able to do them? Are some skills not affected? Which ones?


Any sudden change like that with no apparent cause would worry me, too. I wish I had something helpful to offer. I can only suggest trying to narrow down the exact parameters of the problem. If you think it's serious, I would take her for a medical exam.


she retains EVERYTHING she reads. She's always had trouble with written directions but now I'll have her read them aloud and tell me what step she missed. Just today she had to read the directions three times and still didn't realize what she missed.


I am very concerned because this does seem sudden to me.

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Well, I go through this time to time with my dd8. I always say that she "quits" on me. In her case, we do just take a break. I find that if I keep pushing her, we both get stressed out. Most times after the break (maybe a few hours, or a few days -- or a couple of weeks) she's back and ready to work. Most of the time, she has absorbed what we were trying to learn during the meltdown and is ready to move on. Even if she is not "doing school" she's still learning, just maybe not the things that I had scheduled. But as others have already stated, if you are concerned that something else might be wrong, let that Mama's instinct take over. Much better to be safe than ....






thanks Angela! We did recently take a break so I don't think I want to do that right now. But I do realize we need to reinforce grammar concepts she's struggling with.



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Go with your momma's instinct if you think it is something medical. There have been a few times in the past few years when mine has been poo pooed to the detriment of my kiddos.


God gave you this particular daughter to raise, and the momma instinct to do it with.



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You might also ask about Celiac disease. Alot of doctors are really familiar with it with kids but it can cause add/adhd type symptoms, brain fog/ forgetfulness, mood changes. Anemia can also cause these problems. If the blood panel shows anemia ask for blood tests for celiac disease. It could be the cause of anemia.


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My dd10 has been going through this as well. I do need to have her tested for celiac (lots of Irish on her fathers side), because of crazy mood swings.


I try to make sure she eats enough protein. She's a picky eater and prefers carbs, a diet that makes her crazy. Her breasts are budding, and I hit menarche at 11.


We have:


1. Taken a week off to do flashcards.

2. Taken a week off to do review sheets.

3. I ordered a sample of MUS thinking that might fix it, but maybe not. ;)

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Has she switched friends, groups, etc.?


I agree you should recheck the cyst, BUT don't go into a frenzy. Stay calm! (Easier said than done, I know!)


Have you asked her what SHE thinks is wrong??


I was trying to get a feel of what's wrong. She's doing fine, all is well with her good friends, one friend she's out growing but it's not distressing her. She's RAIL THIN, eating like a PIG, and claims all is well. I'm wondering if she's preparing for a huge growth spurt but am going to as the pediatrician to give another MRI.

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You might also ask about Celiac disease. Alot of doctors are really familiar with it with kids but it can cause add/adhd type symptoms, brain fog/ forgetfulness, mood changes. Anemia can also cause these problems. If the blood panel shows anemia ask for blood tests for celiac disease. It could be the cause of anemia.



we tested her for anemia in the past and she was fine. She doesn't have the diarrhea that accompanies celiac.


I do trust my mommy instincts, as Mopdop said. The problem is I can't find a doctor to see the issues! It's SOOOOOOOOOO frustrating!!!

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we tested her for anemia in the past and she was fine. She doesn't have the diarrhea that accompanies celiac.


I do trust my mommy instincts, as Mopdop said. The problem is I can't find a doctor to see the issues! It's SOOOOOOOOOO frustrating!!!



If you live in the Midsouth, I had a great Peds to send you to!



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Let us know what you find out. I really hope everything turns out fine, something simple. Could it be a boy problem?


I'm just trying to throw ideas at ya. During that time of month I can't concentrate, but to miss almost all of her problems... I just don't know.


You've got the whole board supporting you. :001_smile: Like I said, stay calm, ESPECIALLY when you go to the dr. And remember we're all behind you!


And- it is true- a mama knows best! ;) No matter how many years of school anyone has behind them, a mama's instinct is there for a reason!

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I It sounds as though it came on quite suddenly which is what would have me most concerned.



I agree.


Even before you mentioned the cyst, I have to say that this sounded alarm bells for me. About 1 step lower than a medical emergency. I'd get her to a neurologist asap - the best one you can access.


It's *very* concerning that a child who normally functions just fine is suddenly having trouble in multiple areas.


Just to be sure it's not something simple:


make sure she's taking a multi (to get sufficient iron, zinc and b vites as they play major roles in brain function). I like Natrol My Favorite Multiple Take One ($9 for a 2 mo supply from iherb.com)


and optimal amounts of vitamin D. We use Nature's Answer Vitamin d3 from iherb.com 2000 IU per drop.....600 drops per bottle for $9.17


Fwiw, one of the rare complications of a pineal cyst is siezures....siezures can occasionally look like someone is just 'spacing out' or 'not paying attention'.




Edited by cillakat
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