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I'll feel better if I say this "out loud". . .

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Night at the Museum 2 is just nowhere near as good as the first one.


I'm just sayin'


I agree. It wasn't even in the same league.


but I found the scene where the little people were charging across the White House lawn in full battle mode while as the camera pans out over the grass we hear nothing but silence and the peaceful chirping of crickets to be hilarious!


True, there were funny parts. But overall? Not nearly as good.


In particular: middle dd was incredibly annoyed at the portrayal of Amelia Earhart. And Custer, really? Custer? Who thought that was a good idea?

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I agree...we were disappointed as well. Although it did create an interest in Amelia Earhart for my kids. They have been bugging to do a unit study on her since they saw it (which we just happen to be starting today!). So, at least it was good for something:)

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