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Oregano Tea for coughing

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I am on week 4 of coughing from what is officially known around here as "the coughing crud". My banker recommended to me "oregano tea". He said you take a few tsp. of oregano, put it in a tea strainer or tea-ball in hot water. Steep for 10 min. - sweeten with honey and drink.


I looked this up on the internet. Oregano tea is recommended as a remedy for coughing/bronchitis.


1. Is this oregano the one in my spice cabinet or does it have to be a certain "grade" or potency?


2. Can I give this to children? Ds10 is also on week 4 of coughing.


3. Does it really work?

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I don't have any solid answers for you, Jean, but I use oregano oil on my dc's feet when they are ill. (Rub onto soles of feet and cover with socks.) It's from the health food store. I used to buy the expensive brand, but have down-graded to the less expensive one to make it through the winter.


I do use my spices from my cupboard to make myself tea quite often. (I usually use rosemary and thyme.) I would use my regular spices and try the oregano, at least to see if it helped.


Hope you both get to feeling better soon,


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Thank you so much. I've been drinking it! Too soon to tell if it is doing any good, though.


I know that oregano oil (in a medium, like castor oil or almond oil) applied to your nose will do *wonders* for sinus trouble! So, I'd definitely be willing to at least try the tea for a cough.


{{hugs}} and everybody feel better soon!


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Unfortunately, I think I'm allergic to the oregano tea! I've had a number of cups (and don't mind the taste - maybe because I'm used to other herbal teas including echinacea tea which are not really sweet). But every time I had a cup I had a burning in my airways. At first I thought the tea was working on an infection or something. But ds10 had no burning at all with the tea. And I have a burning sensation (airway inflammation) when I eat wheat and I'm starting to see the similarities in how I feel. Oh well, the cough is getting better a bit every day, anyway!:ack2:

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