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I'm hoping that someone here can help me or point me in the right direction to get some help.


Yesterday, our computer rebooted itself. I was in the middle of reading my blog list and it shut down and restarted by itself. Since then, it's been running really slow. Screens are taking quite a bit longer to load and I seem to be having trouble with my keyboard (I hit the keys but the letters sometime don't appear). Today, I tried to log onto my bank's website, but got a message that my computer wasn't recognized and I needed to enter my check card info (number, security code, expiration date and pin number). I didn't give out any of the info and called my bank. It being a Saturday, there's no one there to help me. I tried logging into our USAA account and got a screen that said I needed to enter my name, address, SSN, account number, pin number, mother's maiden name, etc. Again, it's Saturday and no one is available to help me.


It's only the banking websites I can't log onto. All the board, blog and shopping sites are coming up fine (although slow to load).


Is this something I need to be concerned with? I don't know enough about computers to know if I might have a virus or if there's something else that's going on.

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It's hard to know without being able to get my hands on your computer, but it sounds to me like all your cookies, temporary internet files, etc. were deleted, which would mean that for all the websites you were automatically logged into, you'll need to reenter all your usernames and passwords. I know that I have my laptop set to automatically delete all the cookies every three days, so when I log into my bank's website, I always have to enter a ton of info (mother's maiden name, school mascot, etc.). If you have a virus program, I'd run it (don't know much about those, since I have a Mac) and then I'd defrag your hard drive.


If that doesn't work, hopefully someone with more experience than me can help you out. :)

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I ran our virus program yesterday and deleted all the cookies. I've done this before, but have not had these problems logging back into the financial sites (I always log out of these sites when I'm finished).


The information the site is asking for isn't related to my security questions, but is asking for specific banking information - account numbers (we log in using access numbers), SSNs, check card numbers (along with expiration dates, CCV numbers, & ATM pin numbers), addresses, email addresses - all information the banks tell you they will never ask for online or over the phone. Basically, it's all the information I gave them to open my bank account. It just seems a bit fishy to me, but I've been a bit cautious (or is it paranoid?) since my mom's identity was stolen 10 years ago (she's still dealing with it) and my old checkcard number was stolen last year.


I'll run my virus program again, then defrag. Thank you! :)

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I'd start in Safe Mode too, and then try looking through the logs and see if some new (unrecognizable) program appeared on your computer abut the time it rebooted itself.


I think it's very fishy that only the financial sites lost their cookies and that they are asking for more info than just your user id and password. I wouldn't give them that.

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I'd start in Safe Mode too, and then try looking through the logs and see if some new (unrecognizable) program appeared on your computer abut the time it rebooted itself.


I think it's very fishy that only the financial sites lost their cookies and that they are asking for more info than just your user id and password. I wouldn't give them that.


I agree. What you describe is very worrisome, imo. If your virus software doesn't pick anything up, I'd make recommendations, but honestly? If this were my mom (who is not tech savvy, my sister and I usually give her long distance tech support)? I'd tell her to take it in to the geek squad or somewhere and have them remove it. It sounds like a hijacker and they can be tricky to remove.

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The information the site is asking for isn't related to my security questions, but is asking for specific banking information - account numbers (we log in using access numbers), SSNs, check card numbers (along with expiration dates, CCV numbers, & ATM pin numbers), addresses, email addresses - all information the banks tell you they will never ask for online or over the phone.


Eeek. That doesn't sound right to me ~ nobody --- NOBODY should ever require your PIN number for your ATM card!!


I wouldn't do *any* banking online whatsoever until you get this sorted out - whether that's talking to the bank, having a computer tech look at it, whatever.

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Thank you for all of your help and advice!


We're running another scan from safe mode right now.


I found that I can access the banking sites from my iPhone without any problems or the sites asking for any of the info they wanted when I was on the home computer. This has me concerned...

Edited by runamuk
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We ran an AntiSpyware scan from safe mode and my husband ran a Symantec scan, and they both came up as not finding anything. We haven't found any new or unfamiliar programs on the computer, either. We're still getting the same screens when we try to log onto our accounts so I it looks like we're going to have to have someone look at it.


Thanks again for all the help and advice.

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Your real bank and financial accounts will NEVER ask for the type of informaiton you listed. Your machine has been hijacked by something that is "phishing" for data. Unless you want some stranger accessing your financial data, DO NOT GIVE THIS INFORMATION TO THEM. :confused:


Update your virus stuff. Boot to safe mode. Run your virus scan.


Just thought of something - are you accessing the financial sites using bookmarks? One of the phishers' tricks is to hijack your book marks in your browser and change them behind the scenes to go to fake websites that look like your bank but really are evil. Type in the full address to access the financial system and see if you get a different result.

Edited by AK_Mom4
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What is the difference between safe mode and unsafe mode? I've been running the scans in safe mode as everyone has recommended, but I don't know what or why I'm doing it. (I don't always do what I'm told without knowing the reasons why, but in this case I'm bowing to those more knowledgable. :))

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