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MUS/Singapore or MUS/MM?

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Yes, another Math Mammoth question :tongue_smilie:


I spent yesterday evening comparing the MM samples for 1A-1B-2A to my Singapore 1A-1B. I liked what I saw, and am going to use some of the samples in the coming weeks to test it out.


I spent this morning reading all the MM posts I could find on WTM :D


I know I can get MM for significant savings at the Homeschool Buyers co-op.



What I want to know is if it would be worth switching?


MUS is our main math program; it works wonderfully for DD. I'm always going to supplement, either with Singapore or Math Mammoth, because I like the mental math emphasis and how switching once in a while helps them look at the math from different angles. I have always assumed (after all my initial research) that I'd go with Singapore, and it works fairly well for us but is a lot of books to juggle and student books to repurchase for DS. And if it's the best for us, then that's what it takes, and that's ok. Then I started hearing more about MM (how they are similar but MM is all-in-one and easier to teach for some but not considered as rigorous by some, and that it has additional games/links/worksheet generators for use)


I don't want to switch all the time, so if I switch now I'll probably stay with MM from here on out. I don't want to switch just because it's the new fad, and I don't want to switch from Singapore to MM if MM is truly a less solid program, but I've heard mixed reviews. Since it won't be my main program, though, does it matter so much?


I'm not mathy. DD isn't either, but DS is. I'm using MUS because it's easy for me to teach (and for DD to learn). Singapore challenges me, even at the 1A/1B level, even with the HIG. I'll always buy the HIG, and probably not all the extra books outside text/workbook, since it's my supplemental program. So in that sense, perhaps MM would be a better fit for us - easier for me to understand/teach, cheaper, all-in-one rather than multiple books?


I'm going to drive DH crazy with my rambling back-and-forth, so instead I submit my question to you fine ladies ;) In my shoes, was a non-mathy parent teaching MUS as my spine, would you choose MM light blue series or continue with Singapore text/workbooks as a supplemental program?



Thanks! :D

Edited by Lightly Salted
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In my shoes, was a non-mathy parent teaching MUS as my spine, would you choose MM light blue series or continue with Singapore text/workbooks as a supplemental program?





I'll take a stab at an answer because I use all three programs, but not with the same kid. I use MUS and only MUS with ds and I don't think I'll supplement with anything other than additional problems that are similar to the MUS worksheets. I use both SM and MM with dd, SM is the main curriculum and MM is a supplement for extra drill when she needs it. Of the two, MM is definitely easier to implement. It's also easier to teach because it's so incremental and thorough. It's down side is that it's not as much fun for dd who enjoys the cartoons in SM.


If I was in your shoes, I'd go with MM Blue (not Light Blue) because it will be easier to line up with MUS. At least for the first 2 years, there's very, very little difference between Blue and Light Blue. If it's not your main curriculum, it's easier to work through a complete topic workbook rather than picking the appropriate topics from the Light Blue books. You can also buy just one book at a time and pick and choose only those topics you need. The Blue 1-3 bundle is an incredibly good deal when Currclick is running a sale.

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I am in a similar position right down to the poor DH!:D The only difference is I'm using CLE as my main math. I don't have much advice but after much deliberation I think I am going to go with MM. Looking ahead at the amount of time spent teaching each lesson I think MM is the way to go (for me). It will save time and money over SM while teaching conceptual math from a different angle. That meets all my goals for a supplemental math program. Now someone will no doubt post something that will make me change my mind :lol: but I hope that helps.

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If MUS is your main program and you're looking for a supplement, I would second the recommendation for the MM BLUE series. That way you can easily line up the topics with what you're doing in MUS. IMO Math Mammoth is equivalent in rigor to the regular Singapore texts/workbooks, but with better explanations and a better format.



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I am in a similar position right down to the poor DH!:D The only difference is I'm using CLE as my main math. I don't have much advice but after much deliberation I think I am going to go with MM. Looking ahead at the amount of time spent teaching each lesson I think MM is the way to go (for me). It will save time and money over SM while teaching conceptual math from a different angle. That meets all my goals for a supplemental math program. Now someone will no doubt post something that will make me change my mind :lol: but I hope that helps.


Thanks - that helps clarify things for me; I have to keep reminding myself I'm not evaluating it as a main math program but as a supplemental program. :)

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If MUS is your main program and you're looking for a supplement, I would second the recommendation for the MM BLUE series. That way you can easily line up the topics with what you're doing in MUS. IMO Math Mammoth is equivalent in rigor to the regular Singapore texts/workbooks, but with better explanations and a better format.




equivalent in rigor and better explanations - sounds encouraging, thanks! :001_smile:

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I'll take a stab at an answer because I use all three programs, but not with the same kid. I use MUS and only MUS with ds and I don't think I'll supplement with anything other than additional problems that are similar to the MUS worksheets. I use both SM and MM with dd, SM is the main curriculum and MM is a supplement for extra drill when she needs it. Of the two, MM is definitely easier to implement. It's also easier to teach because it's so incremental and thorough. It's down side is that it's not as much fun for dd who enjoys the cartoons in SM.


If I was in your shoes, I'd go with MM Blue (not Light Blue) because it will be easier to line up with MUS. At least for the first 2 years, there's very, very little difference between Blue and Light Blue. If it's not your main curriculum, it's easier to work through a complete topic workbook rather than picking the appropriate topics from the Light Blue books. You can also buy just one book at a time and pick and choose only those topics you need. The Blue 1-3 bundle is an incredibly good deal when Currclick is running a sale.


See, my DD enjoys the cartoons in SM, but almost *too much*


When they want you to tell a story, she breaks into a great creative-writing style story and could get lost in the details ... without coming back to the math involved, LOL, so the black-and-white format of MUS (and MM if I'm printing it) works well to minimize distraction for her.


Thanks for your thoughts on lining up Blue rather than Light Blue with MUS, and for the Currclick tip. :D

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We use MUS as our main math, and this year we are using Singapore as a supplement. But next year I plan to switch to MM. I have to admit, it's purely for financial reasons.:D MM is as rigorous as Singapore, IMO. I already own the first 4 levels of MM (possible 5A - I'll have to check), so I am going to use the light blue. I am not concerned about topics lining up though. They haven't at ALL in Singapore, but I think that's good. It has given my kids exposure to other things rather than just what MUS teaches at the time. When it comes standardized test time, that's a good thing.;)

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We use MUS as our main math, and this year we are using Singapore as a supplement. But next year I plan to switch to MM. I have to admit, it's purely for financial reasons.:D MM is as rigorous as Singapore, IMO. I already own the first 4 levels of MM (possible 5A - I'll have to check), so I am going to use the light blue. I am not concerned about topics lining upthough. They haven't at ALL in Singapore, but I think that's good. It has given my kids exposure to other things rather than just what MUS teaches at the time. When it comes standardized test time, that's a good thing.;)


Now see, there you go complicating my decision! :D That's the kind of feedback I'm looking for, though; need to think about it from all angles. Thanks!

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I much prefer MM to Singapore Math. I'm not a very mathy mom either and SM was frustrating to me.


We use MUS as our main spine and I use the Light Blue series for supplementing. My DS is very mathy and needs the variety of MM and my DD prefers MUS, but does some MM to help give her a different way of looking at things.


I don't worry about them lining up at all, since I believe exposure to different topics at different times allows them to use what they've learned in a different way. An easy way to do some review as well!

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