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What in the world do I believe? Am I alone?

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NO! when the person said that "it is the church that will answer your questions" it made it sound like the church (ie people, not God) had all the answers. I was just saying that if you want to know more about God, go to His source! :D


Sorry for rubbing you the wrong way...

Yeah, your right. It is probably me. I was just as shocked by your answer as you were about the church having all the answers.


To my flu clouded mind I was only hearing the magisterium of the Catholic church in the word "church." When Catholics refer to the church in an instructive manner we generally mean the Magisterium.


And then your I saw your "no, not the church" as a bashing of not only Catholics but many other Christians. Apparently I'm going to fight for most of Christianity today.


I'm sorry.



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I don't have much to add to the discussion other than about CC. I find it kind of funny that an info night prompted the queries you have, but I remember how the Christian Classical model was emphasized at ours so it makes sense. I'm a tutor for a CC group and I can tell you that there is NO time for proselytizing or anything else, really. Yes, the materials are from a Christian perspective and the leaders do all attempt to be good Christian examples. Maybe our group doesn't belabor the point because we have a huge variety of faiths (I'm Catholic, a couple of families are Baptist, our director is whatever she feels like being at the moment-by that I mean that the actual people involved at the church seem to be a higher priority to their choice of church than the doctrine, I'm not maligning it, just trying to explain). We've had some interesting discussions during lunch and after our program day is over, but nothing that involved the kids.


So I guess all that to say: it sounds like you have a lot of thinking to do and I wish you the best. I hope whatever you find you are at peace with. I wouldn't worry about CC unless you're uncomfortable being around Christians or having your children being led by them.

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Funnily enough, church can cure people of Christianity for reasons other than hypocracy.




like what? just wondering...



Nothing like spending time with lots of good Christians to highlight to a person that they belong elsewhere :)



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To my flu clouded mind I was only hearing the magisterium of the Catholic church in the word "church." When Catholics refer to the church in an instructive manner we generally mean the Magisterium.


OOOHH! (I'm not Catholic)


Spread a little light on the situation! I learn so much on here that has NOTHING to do with homeschooling!

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Have you read any books by Marcus Borg? His understanding of the Bible might resonate with you.


I think it's easy to forget that Christians are a diverse group, and there are many of us over here on the liberal fringe.


In my case, I was raised with a very "low-church" style, and I've discovered that I enjoy the ritual of a more "high-church" service. When I left the denomination in which I had been raised, I attended a different church every Sunday for a while. It helped me to find what fit me.



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