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How much do you spend on school each year?

How much do you spend each school year?  

  1. 1. How much do you spend each school year?

    • Under $200.
    • $201.00 - $500.00
    • $501.00 - $1000.00
    • $1001.00 - $2500.00
    • $2501.00 - $5000.00
    • More Than $5000.00
    • Other

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I just finished planning our 2010-2011 school year. I will have children in 9th, 6th, 4th, 2nd and Pre-K. My total cost for JUST curriculum and books will be about $6000. for the year.:tongue_smilie: This does not include field trips, extra books needed throughout the year, general supplies, etc.



I'm just curious as to what other families spend on average each school year. It seems like I spend more and more with each passing year. I'm just trying to see if I'm in the normal range or if I need to take it down a notch or two.

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Hey There,


I'll bite:-) I'm curious what type of curriculum you're using?? Mine, is my daughter's participation in Classical Conversations will be about $1500 including books and such. My son will be $450 for tuition and such... and about $100- $150 for books at home. So, for two... I'll be at just over $2000. I did want to do Latin for my daughter, which would have been $450. for the year... but it meets at 6:30am... because it's done so that EST isn't too late in the day. I don't think I can convince my daughter to wake up that early :-)



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On curriculum, or on everything for school?


I spend a horrifically high amount on books & CDs, and a tiny bit more on software. The actual textbook total for next year, for two kids - one 5th, one K - is probably between $500-$750. When I add in the extras (MAFA, band, piano lessons, sports, blah blah blah ;)), plus all the books & CDs, it's probably closer to $3000-$4000. Especially since I view it as Library-Building for the two coming up behind.

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On curriculum, or on everything for school?


I spend a horrifically high amount on books & CDs


Me, too. My daughter is an audiobook fan, and those are hugely expensive. She also does horseback riding, which is a combination of occupational therapy and exercise for a physically challenged child, and which represents our biggest outlay after the mortgage. For the past year she has been working a few hours a week in exchange for a couple of free lessons a month, which really really helps. We also spend as much as we can afford on plays and musical theater; we get cheap preview seats to our area's Shakespeare festival every summer. I consider all these things school-related.


Actual curricula or textbooks: a drop in the bucket, as we read mostly "real' books for history, lit, and science and I consider this part of the general book bill rather than a separate curriculum cost. Lab costs are occasionally high.

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I just finished planning our 2010-2011 school year. I will have children in 9th, 6th, 4th, 2nd and Pre-K. My total cost for JUST curriculum and books will be about $6000. for the year.:tongue_smilie: This does not include field trips, extra books needed throughout the year, general supplies, etc.



I'm just curious as to what other families spend on average each school year. It seems like I spend more and more with each passing year. I'm just trying to see if I'm in the normal range or if I need to take it down a notch or two.


I only have 3 kids. When they were younger it was around $600. The last couple of years it's been about $1200. Next year, with one starting high school, it will be quite a bit more. I had twice as much budgeted but I lucked out getting a lot of the books on abebooks. This is curriculum and the stuff I order for curriculum (like books that go with LLATL, etc).

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I put $500 to $1000 but that is only because I have two in high school right now and of course they are using different math, science and language programs all of which are expensive. Before I had any in high school, I had four at home at one time and easily spent less than $500. I can't imagine spending much more than $500 per child in any given year though. Now, if I was buying curriculum for myself? That would be a different story. ;)

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