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Please help me--R&S or CLE LA for remedial kid!

Momma H

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I have been at this computer for about 3 hours trying to decide whether I should go with R&S 4 or CLE 3 for my daughter.

She has auditory processing and other issues and is pretty behind in LA. I just asked her what an adjective is and she just looked blankly at me.:001_huh: I don't know what it is but things just don't get into her long term memory sometimes. Unfortunaltey, I don't know that until later!

What I am thinking is that she needs more face time with me on this. (how I am going to pull that off with my 2 year old and 4 year old is beyond me:confused:) Is CLE too independent? I think if we talk about the material more it may make it into that long term memory better. (via using Rod and Staff which I think has more of that)

The other thing is that I have a 12 year old son who is pretty much tracking on this stuff. I think he would do great with CLE and I really can't see extra face time with the both of them. (we do independent school before lunch where I can focus on the littles and our "needs mom" stuff in the afternoon during nap time--english --Easy Grammar--used to be in thier morning school but I think that is not working with my daughter)

Does anyone do 2 different curriculums with 2 different kids like that? It just seems wrong! Does R&S take all that much time? AAUUGGHH!!!!!! I can not decide. Before my hudband lost 60% of his income I would have just bought both but that.....sniff.......is not the way things are now.

Can anyone help me?

It is so funny, I feel like you all are my friends! I lurk several times a day--this forum is majorly addictive!!!

Blessings to you all friends and please help me decide!


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My son is very weak in LA and he is doing CLE LA 2. We do it together. Well, we do most of it together, and I am starting to "let him loose" a bit during the review section. I think it is very very good for remedial work. In the 200 series they first work on nouns, then verbs, then pronouns, then naming nouns. That is in the first 5 books (first half of the year). Subject nouns are being introduced in 206 and I think adjectives are next (though we have already worked on descriptive words). Every single day there is review of everything that has been covered. By the end of the 200s the child is doing simple diagramming.


Have you done the diagnostic tests? http://www.clp.org/product/language_arts_100_400_diagnostic_test_1656. Keep in mind that the LA is a bit advanced. I'd just make sure that the LA 300s doesn't start with an assumption of knowledge your dd doesn't have.


I haven't done R&S. I am very happy with CLE. Is R&S consumable? I personally love worktexts like CLE because it is so much more efficient.


Edited to add: my son is weak in LA because of learning issues, not because of CLE. Just wanted to make that clear. CLE has really helped him gain skills quickly - I love it!

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If she has auditory processing issues , R&S would probably not work for her. R&S is a lot of talking , while CLE is more "just do it" type of material with less , but more incremental steps of teaching. If she reads well and does not have comprehension issues , I would vote for CLE.You can still do it with her even if it is less teacher intensive than most LA's .

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Stacey -


My son really struggles with grammar and I had a very difficult time deciding between R&S and CLE for him. I chose CLE. Part of my decision was based on hearing a couple of people say their children who struggle did better with the continuous review CLE offers and part of my decision was based on the fact that R&S gets pretty intense after a couple of years whereas I get the impression that CLE doesn't ramp up quite as much.


My son uses R&S math and does well with it and I can see where he might do well with the grammar. I thought the oral review in R&S would be good for him, but in the end, I felt CLE would be easier to use so we started there. What we do next year will largely depend on how he tests this year. If I don't see a significant improvement in his standardized testing, we will probably switch to R&S.


The other thing that pushed me towards CLE is that I honestly don't think my son is ever going to be able to apply grammar. He will learn the rules but I doubt he will be able to consistently apply them to his own writing. My son doesn't mind CLE and it is pretty painless for him whereas I think R&S might become kind of frustrating for us both. The reason I think he will be unable to apply the rules is because my husband knows grammar rules far better than I do, but his writing is just absolutely terrible because he doesn't apply any of them. My son is a lot like my husband.



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For remedial work I would chose CLE in an instant. Actually that is what I did for my oldest actually last year. We tried R&S but she didn't retain a thing. The spiral presentation of CLE is what has helped her the most remember what she has learned.


In all actuality we are going back to using CLE for this upcoming school year because we are using K12 this year and she hasn't retained a thing( its mastery like R&S).


Here is CLE's diagnotic test. Have your daughter take it to ensure proper placement. I want to say that starting with the 300 level woudl be fine ( as this is where I started my daughter but she was also 11 at the time). As it really starts getting into the grammar and diagramming more. But don't take my word on that because all children are different. The diagnostic test will place her in the right level. Don't be surprised if she places a year behind (or two) as CLE is set up very differently from other curriculums and is considered more " advanced" then most curriculums out there.



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Thank you all for your replys! Truly, it is so appreciated. I think we will do the CLE. I like the idea of the spiral approach. That really makes sense. I finally got to see inside the R&S book and I don't think I could make that fly, although it looks good.

I had her take the diagnostic test and I think we will start at 300 (though I think we could go as low as 200).

Boy, what do you do when you know your child is not at all at grade level? She is supposed to be 5th grade and bless her heart, she really tries. She actually loves school. Not crazy about many subjects but she likes the pens and the school supples a lot! :lol: I just feel like she is NOT going to be 6th grade material next year. I am hoping she just blossoms and really catches up. She is pretty immature really, always has been for her age. Don't get me wrong, she is an amazing, loving, smart in so many ways kind of person, but she is not really 5th grade!!!.............sigh..............

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You just keep going. That's all. My daughter was a 5th grade last year and we started with the 300 level.

I think your daughter would do just fine with the 300 level, really then.


She will blossom when she is ready. Until then just let her go at her pace. That's the beauty of homeschooling. No need to worry about the grade levels. If she goes through the 300 level quickly then just keep going. If its any consolation my oldest who will be 7th grade this coming school year will most likely be working in the 400-500 level this coming school year. I will be working on her LA through the summer so we can just keep it going.

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My oldest son, who will be 14, placed in CLE 300 for math AND LA. He has made huge strides in math this year due to CLE. The continuous review helps. If my hubby hadn't insisted on a package program this year, he would be using the LA, too.


TracyR hit it right..when you hs, no need to fret about false 'grade 'levels'. I need to make a poster for that. Thanks, Tracy!


My son also has auditory processing problems, among a few others. He is like your daughter emotionally, as well. VERY young.


I wanted to add, my older finds some diagramming useful but gets overwhemled with too much. I plan on skipping most of it.

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