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3rd grade physics books recommendations


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So, we were putting away the laundry and my 4 year old pipes up and says,"If we only had a pulley would could get the laundry upstairs faster." I just smiled, because I knew she had seen something about pulleys on t.v. I said, "We're going to learn all about them in science ... someday. We'll learn all about levers too." (At this point I think I'm pretty smart b/c I'm channeling 12th grade physics) My eight year old pipes up and says, "And don't forget about the incline plane." I just stop and look at her ... where in the world did she ever hear about that? (while I'm thumbing the note cards in my head) Anyway, so we need some fun physics/physcial science books to read (well, they have to be fun for ME to read to them!) We like the Let's Read and Find Out, All About, etc. books. Also, any supplies that would be fun for us to play around with. I would love to hear any suggestions you might have for us!




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