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Misty of Chincoteague Series?

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My son recently read Misty of Chincoteague and LOVED it. I looked on Amazon, and there seem to be a bunch of other books like this by the same author... Is there a particular order they should be read?




My daughter read them and she said the order of the original three are:


Misty of Chincoteague

Stormy, Misty's Foal

Sea Star


The other book she thinks came after and center on Misty as well as other Chinocteague ponies. She didn't read those in any particular order.

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Stormy, Misty's Foal is the second one, as someone said. It takes place on the island and involves Misty giving birth during a hurricane.

Sea Star doesn't have Misty in it--she's made a movie (or, starred in one! lol) and is out on the road. Sea Star is an orphan that the kids raise.

Misty's Twilight is, obviously, when Misty is older.


I loved these as a child! Always wanted to see the Misty movie, which they really did make!

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No one has mentioned "King of the Wind". It is my personal favorite of her books. It is about the beginning of thoroughbred horse line and I believe is historically correct, as all her books are.





I loved the Misty series too, and it was Misty, Stormy, Sea Star, and I think there's also one called Misty's Twilight.

Just a note of caution - the Mustang: Spirit of the West book by the same author is kind of rough. Black Gold too, but not quite so much.

Loved loved loved King of the Wind - so did my kids.

If your ds enjoyed Misty so much, I'd also look at Thunderhead by Mary O'Hara (she also wrote My Friend Flicka, but Thunderhead is the more exciting book, IMO). HTH!

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