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Does this Ancient History program exist?

Guest aquiverfull

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Guest aquiverfull


I'm looking to study Ancient history next year with my 6th grader. I'm looking for something with a strong Biblical focus, but that also integrates other ancient civilizations.


I just recently saw the SCM history guides and they look great, but then I worried that they might be just mostly Bible history.


I also considered MOH but if it's just basically retelling what's in the Bible then I don't know. I'd prefer to read the Bible over reading someone else's summaries.


So is there something out there like this?

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I think MFW CTG does a good job of integrating the two. Biblical history is read directly from the bible, but other civilizations are covered in Streams and Ancient World. Right now we are reading about the Exodus in the bible and studying the first North Americans, Ancient Peru, and the Olmecs. I LOVE that we are learning what was going on in the rest of the world during bible times. It really makes the bible come alive for me!

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Guest aquiverfull

Thank you both. :)

Yes, I've considered TOG. LOVE the looks of it, but it's out of my price range. I've looked at MFW a little, tried ECC this year and it didn't work out to well for us. I will look a little closer at CTG. I love that it uses the Bible.

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Guest aquiverfull
Still undecided, huh? I feel your pain, lol.


YES!! :tongue_smilie: lol. I thought I had it all figured out yesterday, but then I searched some old threads and became concerned that SCM might not have enough information on other civilizations. I want my dd to be familiar with them too as well as Bible history.


Thanks Moon! I'll look into those history cards.

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Guest aquiverfull

Thank you Homemama2- I thought about HOD's CTC but it uses Story of the Ancient World and wouldn't that be a lot like MOH? Doesn't it just retell Bible stories? I could be wrong about that, I don't know.


Rhonda, thank you for the recommendation. I haven't looked into Diana Waring's history stuff much so I'll be sure to check it out.

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Guest aquiverfull
Come on, aquiverful, you KNOW you want Biblioplan!!:lol:

Just kidding;). I know this has been tough for you! I'm sure you'll find somthing. The Veritas Press sounds interesting but I've never really looked into it.


Still praying for you!!



Thank you Cheryl! :lol: I don't know about BP. Does is have much Bible? I know it has MOH as an alternate resource. I still haven't ruled it out completely. :)

History will be the death of me..lol.


I do appreciate the prayers. :)


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Hi Kelli (it's nice to know your name!)

Yes, there is a lot of Bible (I have the first volume, Ancient History). Especially in the units; Creation, Egypt to Judges, Nation of Israel. Then there is less in the Greece unit and more again in Rome. Even when there are no scripture readings there is still a MOH reading every day (which will give you the biblical worldview) and sometimes also Victor Journey Through the Bible. If you want to pm me with more questions I'll do my best. We haven't used it yet, but will next year (probably start this summer, my kids are BEGGING to start).



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Seconding Biblioplan! We read from the Bible - a LOT! Not during Greece and part of Rome, but we listened to a lot of it on audio CD as a family in the evenings. And, then, I would also read from The Child's Story Bible the next day - which was excellent!! Mostly, decided to do this for my youngest, but we all like this source a lot - very good! It went right along perfectly with our lessons.


We have enjoyed BP a lot. I have been looking extensively for next year - just cuz I'm a little looney that way...anyway, everything else that looks good just seems so expensive to me. And, we LOVED BP this year, so we are sticking with it! I guess I was looking cuz Year 2 does seem more pricey, but I think I have figured out how to keep that down.


Good luck!

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Guest aquiverfull
Hi Kelli (it's nice to know your name!)

Yes, there is a lot of Bible (I have the first volume, Ancient History). Especially in the units; Creation, Egypt to Judges, Nation of Israel. Then there is less in the Greece unit and more again in Rome. Even when there are no scripture readings there is still a MOH reading every day (which will give you the biblical worldview) and sometimes also Victor Journey Through the Bible. If you want to pm me with more questions I'll do my best. We haven't used it yet, but will next year (probably start this summer, my kids are BEGGING to start).




I should put my name in my sig.

Thank YOU!! I didn't realize they have you reading from the Bible in BP. That's great to know. :) Yes, I'll pm you.


3byzaz- thank you for sharing. I love your idea about reading from the Children's Bible the next day. That would be perfect for my little ones who will be tagging along. I agree that it's some of the cheapest lit based history I've seen. Can you tell me whether you used both Encyclopedias recommended? I have an Usborne World History Book, but it's not the same as the one that is recommended in BP. I have it from when we used SL Core 1+2, I wonder if I could just use that instead of having to buy the Usborne Encyclopedia. Thanks again!

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3byzaz, what makes year 2 more pricey?

This must be some kind of homeschooling sickness, LOL!! I haven't even started year 1 yet and I'm looking at year 2 :lol::lol:!


Oh, I know - it's terrible! Anyway, I guess it seemed like it would be more to me because the guide uses both MOH 1 & 2. MOH 1 is more Middle Ages and 2 is Reformation and Resurrection...I think that is right. BP does both in one year - and then there is overlap in Year 3 too...I'm sure it all works out. Anyway, I decided to use MOH 2 and then probably Guerber's Reformation one. I also had already bought SOTW 2 - so we'll use some of that.

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3byzaz- thank you for sharing. I love your idea about reading from the Children's Bible the next day. That would be perfect for my little ones who will be tagging along. I agree that it's some of the cheapest lit based history I've seen. Can you tell me whether you used both Encyclopedias recommended? I have an Usborne World History Book, but it's not the same as the one that is recommended in BP. I have it from when we used SL Core 1+2, I wonder if I could just use that instead of having to buy the Usborne Encyclopedia. Thanks again!


I actually didn't use either Encyclopedia. I don't like that format - but that is just me. I am sooo NOT ADD, but Usborne and those type make me feel that way...especially with three boys looking over my shoulder each pointing out something different to read!! :tongue_smilie: So, we have truly used the Bible as our main spine in the beginning. And, I have used MOH a lot - along with a little Victor Journey and the Story Bible I mentioned already. For Greece, I got the SOTW audio's from our library and have the reader alreayd. Now, for Rome, we are using Famous Men and the Cultural Atlas. Of course, all along has been at least one read aloud and the boy's own readers too. And, then we do maps once a week and timelines once a week or every two weeks. I am TRYING to fit in an occasional MOH activity, but that hasn't happened too much. HTH!!!:001_smile:

Edited by 3byzaz
Edited cuz the quote didn't work right - sorry!!!
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It seems to me that with BP you can use whatever resource fits the time period. I'll probably get Boy of the Pyramids from the SCM site and maybe a couple books from TOG's bookshelf. I don't know about the Cool History pages, they're not out yet and my kids are too young anyway. They may be more resource specific.

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Guest aquiverfull

Thank you 3byzaz. I know exactly how you feel about the Usborne books..lol.


Cheryl, I don't know how it will be with year 1 but it looks like they use SOTW for most of the questions in the Cool history packet for the other years. So I think it would probably be easy to switch out books in BP.

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