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pasting the timeline on the wall?

Lucy the Valiant

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We have this: http://www.3m.com/US/OFFICE/POSTIT/kids/banner-roll.html for our timeline. Because it's SO long, I am actually planning to just keep adding to this all the way up!


Edited to add that I didn't even see their timeline suggestion on the link I posted. We just have everything ON the paper.

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We've used the command strips as well. However - I did have one that pulled the paint off the wall :glare:. But - I may not have followed the directions to pull down when trying to release it - So they work - just be careful!


Oh - and I actually cut our strips down the center to make them go further since our timeline was on lightweight paper.

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We laminated ours and tried many things to keep it up. It was about 20' long and was on the kind of paper that is in a roll and used on those art tables. Anyway, the thing that worked for the longest period of time was velcro. It didn't leave any marks on the wall when we finally took it down either.

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Thank you, everyone! I think I have some good ideas here . . . ours is in a stairwell, so I was thinking of painting a line on the wall, and just pasting the pictures right onto the wall . . .


BUT . . .


I think I'm going to do 2 timelines now - a "short" one for the wall, and a more detailed one in a notebook that we can take around and add to, etc.


Thank you!


Now I'm off to find some good printables . . . we're new to this, and just starting the Ancients.

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