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I did with my first ds. I was also charting so I knew around when to start using them. My body ovulates later in my cycle than average (about a week!), so they were very helpful in discovering that. We were on a pretty strict timeline back then ttc before dh moved several states away for a year. Worked like a charm.



Oops...misread your post...I thought you were trying instead of trying not to get pg. Nevermind! OPK wouldn't be reliable enough for me.

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Have you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? I would absolutely start there. (Some of the various NFP books are more in-depth and ultimately answer more questions, but TCoYF is a quick read, clear and to-the-point -- a really great place to start.) I'm actually more comfortable trusting my observations of various NFP signs than I would be comfortable using test strips -- in some cases, they won't indicate that ovulation is near until *after* your window of fertility has already begun.

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Have you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? I would absolutely start there. (Some of the various NFP books are more in-depth and ultimately answer more questions, but TCoYF is a quick read, clear and to-the-point -- a really great place to start.) I'm actually more comfortable trusting my observations of various NFP signs than I would be comfortable using test strips -- in some cases, they won't indicate that ovulation is near until *after* your window of fertility has already begun.


I agree. Although I did use strips for a few months just to understand my weird schedule (45 day cycle) I did have a great NFP book that helped a LOT. Of course, I can't remember the name of it because I let a friend borrow it years ago. We all know how that works out. :glare:


Due to your age and your fear, I'd be as armed as possible. Do a lot of reading, pay attention to the mucous cycles (some of the books have really clear pictures so you can compare) and know your schedule. For the first several months, perhaps have a barrier method on back-up. We used diaphrams for years and although I hated the bathroom trips, I liked it that dh found it more spontaneous than if HE was using a barrier, iykwim.

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Has anyone here used ovulation predictor kits as a birth control method with sucess?


I don't use ovulation predictor kits, but I've been using a fertility monitor for a year and a half with great success. It was expensive, but seems to be pretty darn accurate! There are warnings all over the thing about how it's not designed to be used for BC, but I figure if it tells you when you're fertile, it can also tell you when you're NOT fertile. The type I use is OvaCue. I strongly recommend the V wand with it if you go with this monitor because it will give you much more accurate readings. Even though this monitor is expensive, it doesn't require you to continuously purchase test-strips, so in the long run it works out.

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hmm....now I don't know what to do. I can't really afford the OvaCue and I can't expect to be able to take my tempurature every morning before getting up becasue I often end up getting up to deal with one of the kids first thing...so I know that wouldn't work...and the whole mucus thing...YUCK!!! I tried that too, when we were trying to GET pregnant. Not my cup of tea...that is why I thought the test strips might be the best way for me. I have found places on line that sell the test strips at a decent price...cheaper than my pills. But, I have wondered how accurate they are. Hmmm....UGH!!

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I didn't use it as birth control, but I used an Ovulite saliva microscope to successfully predict my fertility -- I have always had a very irregular cycle. Unfortunately, the company appears to be out of business. I think they are still available on Amazon. In fact, I was the FIRST woman to report back a birth using the Ovulite. The local news did a story on our family, as did Pregnancy magazine. That baby is now 6 :) -- my PDG.


The Ovulite cost $39. This is how it worked: every day I put a small smear of saliva from my mouth (before drinking or eating anything -- first thing in the morning) onto a small lens. It dried in about 15 minutes, I then held it up and looked through a tiny viewfinder at the back-lit lens to see if there was a "ferning" pattern. When that ferning pattern appeared, I was fertile. I used it for 3 years. LLL was our second Ovulite baby.


I think is similar: Fertile Focus

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Have you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? I would absolutely start there. (Some of the various NFP books are more in-depth and ultimately answer more questions, but TCoYF is a quick read, clear and to-the-point -- a really great place to start.) I'm actually more comfortable trusting my observations of various NFP signs than I would be comfortable using test strips -- in some cases, they won't indicate that ovulation is near until *after* your window of fertility has already begun.


:iagree: Love this book!

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Sorry, I'd be more tempted to use it as a conception aid than birth control :o Then my dh would be several sorts of ticked with me.


We've used 'pull and pray' for 3 yrs now, with success. If God wants us to have another, we will...and both of us seem to be accepting of that. To deliberately try when he's not wanting to 'try' would be deceptive...which is why I can't have an ovulation predictor in the house. The temptation would be too great :blush:

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hmm....now I don't know what to do. I can't really afford the OvaCue and I can't expect to be able to take my tempurature every morning before getting up becasue I often end up getting up to deal with one of the kids first thing...so I know that wouldn't work...and the whole mucus thing...YUCK!!! I tried that too, when we were trying to GET pregnant. Not my cup of tea...that is why I thought the test strips might be the best way for me. I have found places on line that sell the test strips at a decent price...cheaper than my pills. But, I have wondered how accurate they are. Hmmm....UGH!!


Well, I was going to say that you don't have to take your temperature -- but if you're unwilling to observe other signs either, you really can't do any sort of fertility monitoring that will *work*. (Even using the electronic systems will need to you input some of that information on a regular basis.)


Perhaps you should talk to your doctor about alternative barrier methods or some such. The ovulation predictors let you know just when your body is ovulating -- but you need to use protection for several days prior to that if your goal is absolute prevention.


This may sound harsh, and I don't mean it that way at all! I just don't think what you want to do will work within the parameters you've given. I think you need to find something else.

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