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How long do give a 4th grader for assigned reading?

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When you assign a book, how long do you typically give that student to finish the book. Obviously, I know it depends on the reading ability of the child and the length of the book. Say the child is an above average reader with regard to speed and the book was a book that might be a level or 2 above his grade. Maybe around 200-250 pages give or take.


Just curious. I am wanting to be more diligent about the assigned reading since we will be moving into the next phase soon. I just wanted to get a feel for how much to plan and in what time frame.



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My dc have 30 minutes of silent reading that they do at the same time each morning. This time is when they do their assigned reading. As to how long it takes to finish it book--I can't answer that one. My dc just read until its finished, then we go to the next book. I don't pay attention to how long it takes.

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My dd11 is a fast and above avg. reader. She can easily get through 50 pgs. in an hour (I'm really low-balling). For her, it's more effective to say, "read for an hour" than say "read x no. of pgs.". She will sit, read and get it done. My ds9, also a 4th grader, is an avg. reader who reads very slowly and gets distracted easily. I assign him a # of pages based on what I'd like him to accomplish. If it takes him an hour b/c he's dawdling...so be it. If he sits and reads and remains focused and it takes him 30 min...great. For him, I could say read for an hour and he might get done 10 pgs b/c of distractions (I'm tallking silly stuff like there is a shadow on the wall kind of stuff, not my 2yo sis. is crawling in my lap asking me to read to her, etc.). Anyway, this is just how it works for us. You could also just look at the number of pgs and how long you'd like him to spend on the book and divide by that # of days to get # pgs. he'd have to complete each day to stay on task. KWIM? Hope you get many more responses!

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Heh. Around here it depends on the reader. My older son was always given a certain number of minutes to read my selections. He would always read my choices as well as he would read his own selections.

My younger son, the daydreamer, is required to read a certain number of pages. Hours can go by with only 10 or 12 pages read if he isn't drawn to a book on his own.

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When you assign a book, how long do you typically give that student to finish the book. Obviously, I know it depends on the reading ability of the child and the length of the book. Say the child is an above average reader with regard to speed and the book was a book that might be a level or 2 above his grade. Maybe around 200-250 pages give or take.




Hello! My 4th grader sounds a lot like yours. My guy will read about 50 pages/day, depending on the book. So, he could probably read a 200 - 250 page book in 4 - 5 days. That's if it's assigned reading. If it's a book he's reading for fun, he'll finish it in a day!!

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as mine was always an advanced reader. I think for the first couple of reading assignments I gave him a week. If he finished it before then great, if not, I was willing to modify the assignment. A lot of times I gave him the book on Friday and told him that he could read it if he wanted but he had to read the first three chapters by Monday night and we would discuss it on Friday. Most of the time when I tried that he would be done before Wednesday.


I also had to keep in mind the rest of our schedule. I know for some books I would assign maybe 3 days or so just because we had nothing else to do and the work load for school wasn't too intense so he could spend more time reading.

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