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rainbow science-??


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We are in year 2 and I have not been impressed. I really feel like I've blown the last 2 years of science.


Now, there is a user of it on this board who loves it, take her advice in implementation.


It is geared to be independent to the student. The experiments are great. I just don't think there is enough responsibility for the work - read it, answer a couple questions, move on. There is a cumulative review every several labs or so, but it is actually quite random as they haven't used it since several lessons prior. Yes, they can go back and look up answers, but Rainbow uses great technical language and filling it in the blank once or twice is not going to cement it in their heads.


I would not recommend it. Sorry.

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Dd is in year one, and while I think it is a good program, I'm not sure it has been the best choice for her. I plan on using BJU Dvd's for high school, and I know the work level will increase quite a bit over Rainbow. We are switching to BJU 7th Life Science next year, then going into 9th grade the year following that.

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My DS thanks me for buying it every time he does a science lesson. We have not had the problems mentioned by previous poster. It is true that there aren't a lot of questions for each lesson. I noticed that right away which is why I require my DS to keep a notebook of all the vocabulary and to review parts of his notebook daily. This is helping to develop his note taking and study skills. We also use the quizzes (which are online and free) which helps to keep him responsible for knowing the subject matter and cement the terminology. The labs are great.


We are using Rainbow for 7th-8th, but will accelerate it to be finished early (not sure how early yet). I'm not sure what we'll do when we finish Rainbow, but so far we plan to move into BJU Science for High school. Right now Rainbow fits perfectly for us because I needed something more independent for DS while I focus my time on other subjects that need my attention. I also need time to work one on one with my younger DD.


Rainbow is working for us because it fits our circumstances. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it IF it fits your needs and you think you can work with it. As with all curriculum it will work for some and not others. Much depends on your goals for the year, your circumstances, and lastly how YOU as the teacher choose to use the curriculum. Adding review is something I do automatically because I have found that none of the curriculum I've used has ever provided enough to suit the specific needs of my children in their weak areas.





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We used Rainbow Science last year and really enjoyed it. I'm saving it to use with my younger DD in a couple years.


However, I'll agree with some of the comments from the PP. Rainbow is very well organized, and we loved the experiments, but the text book is pretty lightweight. The information is excellent, but it lacks repetition/review.


I would highly recommend Rainbow for a kinesthetic (hands-on) learner. The labs will cement all of the concepts. But a visual or auditory learner is going to need something more.


I'd also highly recommend Rainbow to a family who doesn't seem to get around to doing science or labs. It is extremely easy to implement - and the student can do it independently.


We are a science oriented family, so we used Rainbow in tandem with BF History of Science and A Beka Science 7. I personally think Rainbow can be completed in 1 year doing it 4-5 days per week:


Day 1: lesson + lesson (30 min)

Day 2: lab (30-60 min)

Day 3: lesson + lesson

Day 4: lab

Day 5: Quiz available on their website for free


Overall: Excellent for kinesthetic learners and families who tend to skip science. Excellent for others too, with a little supplementing to cement the information.


My 2 cents.

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A friend used it with one child and loved it for him, he did the work all alone. I bought it used from another HS mom and showed it to my engineer HS mom friend who is big into science. She said it was lighweight science in her humble opinion. An issue with the experiment kit is it is sized for one use only so after one child is done new supplies need to be bought. OR if the experiment is botched you can't do another one. That is an issue for me as many things dried up in the containers and I'll have to see about buying the new materials. Ditto anyone who wants two or more of their kids to use the kit (not all at once).


We are using RS4K science right now then I was going to see how Rainbow can fit in for my son who is in grade 7 now.

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We are using it right now. We aren't very far into it (just a couple of weeks), but so far it's working well. My ds does not comprehend language very well, so sometimes I have to re-explain what it is that he read in the book. But I have found that the labs help cement the material that was in the reading. He has even been able to recognize some of the concepts outside of schoolwork. That's a huge bonus in my book!


From what I have seen, it's deceptively "unmeaty." Dr. Dobbins has purposefully not put a whole lot of extra in there. He doesn't want to detract from the concepts. The concepts build upon each other as well.


Will ds remember what he has learned in 10 years? Probably not, but IMO it'd be rare for him to, no matter what the curriculum. But so far just in a couple of weeks he has learned a lot. That's huge for this kid!

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