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Timeline help-we stopped and I want to restart


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I'd love ideas of how would you handle this. We stopped doing our timeline 3/4 into our last year, which was ancients. I never started it back up this year but now regret that. Should I just start now where we are or try to go back and atleast write in the dates for this year? I don't really want to go all the way back to ancients.



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Anyways! We kept stopping and starting. It got to be a real pain. Then I decided to put it up in the hallway in front of our face, so we didn't forget, and it was easier to get to. (Before it was in a book, that I could never find, etc.)


I also just gave the whole responsibility to my son. It is "his" so he can do what he wants. He really got excited about it. He puts all kinds of things on it from his other reading or whatever he runs into. (Like a program he sees on TV or whatever)


It was so successful, my daughter (8) wanted her "own". So now we hung hers right under our other one.


I think putting it in front of our face made a HUGE difference. They see it so they get excited about it. Oh. By the way, my daughter was right in the middle of SOTW book 3 when we started, so we didn't start from the beginning.


Another thing. I put all of the kids birthdays and grandparents, etc. on the timeline. That way they can see how short of time they have been here compared to the beginning of time!

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Veritas Press has history timeline cards that are fabulous for this! There are 158 history facts from Creation to Present day. We memorize 8 facts per week. We're members of Classical Conversations and it is part of what the kids are learning at CC but, it's a wonderful way to help them memorize the timeline.


The cards are beautiful. We laminated them to protect them because we'll be using them for 6 years. You can post the 8 cards you are working on on the wall for the kids to look at and then mix them up for the kids to put back in the correct order. On the back of the cards there is more in-depth information about the history fact and picture on the front. There is also a bibliography so you could check the books out from the library if you wanted to study the info at a deeper level. Right now, we're just memorizing the initial concept on the front of the card. The timeline works well with Story of the World, too.

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:iagree: I'd also add to that, though, that some big events or even time periods/places if they stick out in your children's memories could be added. You know, for my guys it would be helpful just to put a picture of an Egyptian pyramid on, maybe the Acropolis, a few other stand outs just to place those in relation to where you are in history right now. We do our timeline very inconsistently and the kids still remember things we read about months ago or even last year. They like adding those things even way past when we're done learning about them.


My 2cents.


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I'm trying something that I just started so I can't say how well it's going to work but I'm hopeful. I'd never done a wall one before and I had to squish it a little bit to have enough space since my wall space is limited. Basically if we read about someone or something - we put it on the timeline. I'm especially doing it with my 1st grader to help her learn the concept of time. She read a step-into-reading book about Harriet Tubman so we put her on. I think my timeline attempts before had been too rigid. They became another in a list of assignments rather than a 'hey let's put X on the timeline'. I like having it on the wall because we can see it all the time.


We do the VP timeline cards but they are more part of our curriculum so I don't consider it as much of a timeline.



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