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If you use MM in 1st what did you do for K..+ Manipulatives ?

Guest aquiverfull

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Guest aquiverfull

So the title pretty much says it all. I plan to use Math Mammoth for my little ones. I'll have a 5 year old K'er when we start back in the fall. Has anyone used MM grade 1 for K and just go slowly, or what did you use instead? Also what manipulatives have you purchased for use with MM? I'm looking at the light blue series. Thanks!

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Somewhere on her site, she talks about K. I'm using games and real life manips w/my K'er (sharing snacks equally, groups of toys, etc for all 4 operations and fractions, we count things and play with dice, practice writing numbers by counting a pile of something then racing to the white board to write the number, one more/less games with snacks/counters, board games, etc.) I also use SM Early bird K but he doesnt do the workbook...I just use it for ideas of what concepts to teach sometimes.


I think MM author says to also work on counting up to 100 with a real understanding of the numbers, not just rote memory. She also lists the needed manips on the page for each grade level. I usually just use toys and snacks for our other manips, but we also have counter chips, craft stix, play money, etc.

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This is our plan:


Stage 1 (advanced preschool / beginning kindergarten math):

Singapore EarlyBird Kindergarten Math Textbook A

Math-U-See’s Primer w/ Starter Blocks

Mathtacular 1 DVD


Stage 2 (advanced kindergarten / beginning 1st grade work):

RightStart Level A

Singapore Math EarlyBird KB

Math-U-See’s US Alpha


Stage 3 (first grade and maybe a little second grade math):

RightStart Level B

Singapore Math Primary Math 1A

Miquon Orange Book & Red Book

Singapore Math Primary Math 1B

Miquon Blue Book & Green Book

Mathtacular 2 DVD

And maybe Math-U-See’s Beta as well

Edited by MeganW
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Help me find the page of needed materials in MM.... PLEASE! I just bought this last night and I don't see it.







after you are on that page, just click on the link for the grade you want and scroll about half way down (well, it's half way for the grade 1 page), just above the reviews. You'll see the manipulatives section. :001_smile:

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Guest aquiverfull

Thanks for all your input. We already play lots of math type games like you mentioned above. My dd loves this. I saw Maria's article on K math and printed it out so we could do the ideas she suggests.


She can count to 100 with a little help occasionally and she can write her numbers from 1-10. She also does simple addition in her head through word games we play. She loves that! We will continue with that until August when she will be officially in K. So then I was looking to add something more because I think she'll be ready for more then.


Thanks again, anyone have anything else to add?

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I originally purchased the 1st grade materials for K and we did it slowly. I used it orally sometimes to keep it light. It works! I did some switching around to check out other material.(Tried MUS, CLE) We are back to MM and I am glad. I really love it. The games suggestions are really fun. I have just purchased the blue series(topical series) as I want to go deeper in some areas and stay with lower level addition and subtraction for drill. The worksheet maker is very nice too!


If you purchase through the homeschool buyers coop you can save 20% which is great.



My daughter loves girly stuff so for manipulatives I purchased the pink glass jewel looking stuff that you use in a vase to hold flowers. :-) Sounds silly, but she lights up when we use them for games. Ex. I put 7 "jewels" on the table and then pick up a few and put them behind my back. She has to tell me how many I removed.(___ + 5=7) She loves that game.


I highly recomend MM!





Edited by mystika1
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So the title pretty much says it all. I plan to use Math Mammoth for my little ones. I'll have a 5 year old K'er when we start back in the fall. Has anyone used MM grade 1 for K and just go slowly, or what did you use instead? Also what manipulatives have you purchased for use with MM? I'm looking at the light blue series. Thanks!


I think you could certainly start MM 1A in K. It introduces concepts slowly and goes very step-by-step. Lots of practice of math facts and number families. The only manipulatives you need in MM1 are an abacus, a ruler, and an old clock you can turn the hands on (and I think you only need those in 1B).



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The only manipulatives we use are some cuisenaire rods... I guess also I use money and an old clock that we move around the hands on for telling time. They aren't really specific to MM, I just find them useful to teach concepts.


My kindergartner is using Addition 1 and is fine with it. I started her on it in November and she'll finish it in about a week or two. We do one page/day and it takes her about 10-15 minutes. I would have gone with the 1a complete math, but she really wanted *only* addition. She's a very persistent child and I figured if she had the motivation, then I would let her take the lead and give her *only* addition. I'm not sure yet whether we'll be moving to Subtraction 1 or Addition 2a or the complete 1a book...

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