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Don't know if I should be concerned or relieved

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My dd has been using ABeka DVD's for 9th grade this year. She was literally DROWNING in their Algebra :glare:


I got her MUS Algebra 1, and I'm a bit concerned....I think. The scope of this algebra is SO DIFFERENT than Saxon or TT or ABeka. She's enjoying the different approach and the slower pace (ABeka moves FAST!!!), but I'm concerned that at the end of the year, she won't have covered the subject as extensively as she would've with another program.


On the other hand, I'm relieved that she isn't dreading math anymore.


I used TT Algebra with my ds, and he ended up needing remedial algebra his 1st semester of College. Not to say TT isn't good or doesn't work for some kids, but even though it's sitting on our shelf, we decided to try MUS instead.


*sigh* I thought this would be easier my 2nd time around ;)

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It's my understanding that MUS Algebra is on the light side, but kids end up thoroughly understanding the Algebra they cover; I am of the opinion that, if I have to choose, I'd rather completely understand some of something than nothing of something! lol

If she gets a good foundation, she can apply her knowledge at the next level (Al 2) and maybe catch up there.

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Putting it this way -- having her continue in a program that she didn't understand at all would be a lot more likely to have her end up in remedial math.


Good point! I'm hoping the way MUS demonstrates what's happening with the manipulatives will help her a lot. She's a visual learner, so it should be good for her in that regard also.


She's enjoyed ABeka for everything else, but UGH! The algebra class made her feel "dumb" :( Broke my heart. -- btw, she's getting all 90's in her other classes. She's NOT "dumb"!

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I am of the opinion that, if I have to choose, I'd rather completely understand some of something than nothing of something! lol

If she gets a good foundation, she can apply her knowledge at the next level (Al 2) and maybe catch up there.


:iagree: :iagree:


Which is why I switched ds back to TT Algebra 2 after a 1/2 year in CD and a year of Jacobs Geometry. TT works for him and his understanding transferred over to his Geometry class. He had a good grasp of the Algebra he needed ...his classmates who used "better and more rigorous" maths..DID NOT. My experience and 2 cents into the Math Wars....




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try a month of ALEKS to see how that works as a review and extender. DD used MUS Algebra and then continued with the Jacobs/Foerster series. We've dipped into ALEKS as a review several times when she seemed to be stuck. DS used Jacobs for algebra, and still benefited from review with ALEKS. It seems to take a while to cement some of these concepts.

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I agree with the pp---why let her continue in a seemingly more rigorous program if she is drowning? It's pointless IMO. MUS is considered by some to be not quite up to par, but we are using it because it WORKS! The 'best' math program is the one that works for your child, even if its not the hardest and most popular one ;)

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AMEN, SISTER!!!! I have been down the doubts about MUS road for the last time!! It is working in our house and we are staying with it. Period. I have read sooooo many math threads and ended up discouraged and worried. Not anymore. I have peace about it because my dh and I prayed about it and he made the decision for us to stick with it. So, that is the end of that! (Thank you, Lord!!!!)

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I would agree with dropping Abeka's algebra. When we were homeschooling, we used Abeka math until pre-algebra; then I switched to Lial's. I was concerned about Abeka's upper-level math sequence, particularly the fact that their geometry book was only one semester. In my opinion, you can't really cover all there is to know in geometry in one semester. We used Chalkdust for geometry, and even though I really, really liked the Lial's books, in retrospect I wonder if my girls would have been better off using Chalkdust all along.


At any rate, I've read enough negative things about Abeka's upper-level math series from the "mathy" moms on this board that I would avoid it. For instance, I've heard (again---this is my second-hand information; Jann in TX can give you more information) that Abeka's algebra doesn't include functions. That's a serious omission. Plus, there are the aforementioned problems with geometry. Also, it's a much older series (Heath?) which Abeka purchased and then repackaged. For elementary math (i.e., through 6th grade) it was fine. But after that---there are other materials out there which would serve you both better.

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