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Can't we just skip to summer?

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I hate summer! :glare: The mosquitoes keep us locked up in the house! I actually think we should take spring off and school during the summer -- chillin' in our A/C!


I'd do it if I could figure out how to change our schedule and still have them prepared for the IOWA test to turn into the city. Ahh, the bliss of being controlled!

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I hate summer! :glare: The mosquitoes keep us locked up in the house! I actually think we should take spring off and school during the summer -- chillin' in our A/C!


You know - there are people here in 'Bama that do just that! I can see the reason. . . . my theory is that summer in the South serves the same function as winter in the North.

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The boys are very much enjoying the outdoors right now. My 8 year old was raking off our tiny vegetable garden today in preparation. He also helped my husband plant some cuttings. It was only about 50 today, but it was nice and sunny. They went bike riding yesterday on trails.


When summer hits, they don't even want to go into the backyard -- the mosquitoes swarm. I have to run to my house from the van -- I get bit in my own house! Thank goodness Daddy takes them jetskiiing in the summer when he comes home from working outside all day.

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I don't wanna start back tomorrow!!!! Why do they have to know stuff?


Because it's fun to see them sweat. Don't you derive any pleasure from cracking the whip?


I've got my lines all ready for tomorrow:


"We've lollygagged around long enough!"


"Your hand isn't going to fall off, here, let me increase the circulation for you." *crack*


And one I just recently saw on the board: "That's why it's called schoolwork, not schoolplay!"


They love me, really they do. They just don't like having to *think* (one of mine actually said this. "I just don't like having to think." Oh dear.)


And besides, you can get so much more work out of them this time of year! They think there is actually an end in sight!


I gave mine a week off, because I'm so generous and kind. Nice mommy's gone now.




No, really, we're going to do some fun things tomorrow, in addition to school. 'Cuz I'm so nice.



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