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My 1 year old has been snuffy for 2 months

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We have a dr. appointment tomorrow, but I'm wondering what it could be. He had a pretty bad cold right after Thanksgiving, and then another a couple weeks later (with eye drainage and yuckiness), but he's been healthy for 5 or 6 weeks now, but he still can't really breathe through his nose. He doesn't have a runny nose or lots of boogers, so it seems like maybe the congestion could be from enlarged adenoids? That's just my diagnosis from my online research. ;) He has some apnea when he sleeps and I'm hopeful that we can get it figured out and resolved. I thought for a while it might be an allergy, but it seems too dry--I would expect runny nose with allergy, or at least other symptoms.


Any ideas? Anyone ever experienced this?

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I can tell you from experience that allergies actually can cause some to be stuffy instead of runny. I will also say that when dd9 was 3 she was always stuffy and constantly getting ear infections, it turned out to be enlarged tonsils and adenoids. She had both removed and the problem has been gone since. So I guess I havent helped you much hopefully the Dr. will know what's going on. Good luck!

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Sinus infections don't seem the same with littles as adults. General practitioners can miss them... ask me how I know:-) I recommend going to an Eye Nose and Throat specialist. If you do antibiotics for it... it takes about 3 weeks...



Good Luck!!


:iagree: The ENT specialists is who finally found dd9's problem.

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When my daughter was this age (maybe slightly older), she had the same thing. She also had deep bags under her eyes and I worried constantly that she wasn't getting enough sleep. As she got older, she complained her nose was "stuffy" and she couldn't smell anything. Turns out she was allergic to dust mites as well as a few other seasonal allergens. Once I scrubbed/vacuumed her room thoroughly and put protective dust mite covers on her bed, the bags under her eyes disappeared and she was able to get a better night's sleep. Her stuffy nose also cleared up. I hope whatever is going on with your baby is an easy fix. :)

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Ok- this will be gross- sorry! If it smells a little funky near his nose/mouth area, then he could have gotten something (cheerio, foam toy, etc...) stuck up there. It is probably a long shot and allergies/ virus is most likely the cause, but I have several friends that have been surprised when a puzzle piece or other toy is pulled from a child's nose.

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Thanks everyone, for your insights and replies. I would love it if it was something simple (like sinusitis or even something up his nose!:tongue_smilie:) that can be quickly or easily remedied. I'm hopeful for the sinusitis, since he didn't have any issues before the colds started.


And I'm glad to know that we may need to seek further advice if the dr. doesn't offer any solutions. I'll press for a referral to an ENT if it seems necessary.


Also, it's good to know that allergies can cause different symptoms.


So, thanks!:D

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