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Send well wishes and prayers for DIY-DY (for labor!)

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Oh, what handsome boys you have!




:crying: I'm so happy for you, I'm crying! (But I'm pg, too, so you know, take my emotions w a grain of salt. Sand? Oh, now I can't remember what you get a grain of!)



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I don't think Dy will mind me answering this one for you, Anj. Me-Wa and Me-Tae are nicknames that Dy's son Smidge gave to long-time family friends who now live near Dy and Zorak.


Here I was googling those names because I thought maybe her husband was Chinese or part Chinese and the grandparents were called Me-Wa and Me-Tae. Oh boy! See what happens when my imagination is left to its own devices?

Thanks LB!! :001_smile:

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Here I was googling those names because I thought maybe her husband was Chinese or part Chinese and the grandparents were called Me-Wa and Me-Tae. Oh boy! See what happens when my imagination is left to its own devices?

Thanks LB!! :001_smile:


Yeah, their real names are Ward and Terry, but poor Smidge just couldn't get that out, so instead of "Mr. Ward" and "Miss Terry", it came out Me-Wa and Me-Tae. We tried to work with him on it, but they were so enamoured with having their very own names-of-affection that they kept using them long after he mastered the elusive "r" sound.


The guys went to school together, and being two crusty old vets on a fairly small campus, they ended up getting to know one another very well. They've got the kind of friendship men just don't find very often in life, kwim? And since they've never had children, they've just sort of adopted our herd to spoil and love on. They've been a huge blessing for the kids over the years. :)

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that's the same boat we're in! How funny! All our boys are J.M's. We had the toughest time coming up with another J name we could all live with! Had to drop the M for the middle name b/c nobody could agree, but we've finally come up with a J name we all like...but I'm not telling til he's born!


If we'd known *then* that we were going to have more than two children, we'd have stopped w/ the J's a long, long time ago! But with just two, it didn't seem like that big a deal. Then it snowballed.


ITA - don't tell a soul! To end the ongoing debate, we just told the boys we were going to name him Heinrich Roland, and then let them sweat it out. I figured by the time he arrived, we'd pick a name DH and I could agree on, and the kids would be so relieved they wouldn't fuss. ;) Worked like a charm.

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