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Woo-hoo! House cleaning bug bit me in the butt today.

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I declutter the entire upstairs minus my room and then dusted, vacummed, and finished all the laundry. We also moved the treadmill upstairs to the loft so that people who want to use it can do so while watching tv. Hopefully, they will find this somewhat more motivating. I am currently taking a coffee break and then I plan to hit all the closets. Attics are on my list as well but that's not happening in this weather. I will just stow the stuff that is going to Goddwill in there until the weather (and roads) improve. Then I can move on to deep cleaning: baseboards, door jams, window sills & blinds, scrubbing the bathrooms, and (ugg!) the aquarium. My room is last on the list because somehow this is where all the things that do not have a home have ended up. It is going to require more than a single day to wipe it out. If I am lucky, maybe this is the beginning of a hypo period that will last a week or more. Wish me luck.

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My dh was bitten by the same bug. He cleaned out all of the kitchen cabinets AND the pantry. He also brought me coffee and breakfast in bed, fed the kids breakfast, and is in the middle of making them lunch. :001_wub:


Good luck with your cleaning--it feels so good when everything has been cleaned and organized!

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So far today I rearranged my office and sorted through one child's closet. I have to clean up the loft from a sleep over and then on to the next child's closet. Then we are going to rearrange her room, finish the paint touch-ups and hoping hang the cailing border. I have pictures to hang but I will let huby do that. My back is already screaming but I figure I might as well make the most of it while I have the energy because once I stop moving, I might not get started again. I still have to go through the seasonal clothes closet and the attics but the house is really starting to shape up. :hurray:

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