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Bringing dd back home-please help.

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She is 13, in the 7th gr., and considered "gifted." I hsed her from K-5th, she was in parochial for 6th, and PS one semester of 7th. She is one week into 2nd semester of 7th. Her report card is all A's in the most advance classes. She breezed through them-not even a total of 1/5 hrs. of homework the entire first semester.


We are bringing her home for social/peer/morality reasons. She also has anxiety and panic issues.


If it weren't for all the pop-social crap that she is surrounded with, and pressured to adhere to, we would just leave her as she thrives in a classroom setting. Every teacher describes her as exhibiting *strong* leadership skills, and outstanding work ethic.(She gets that from my dh.;))


In crisis-much more to the story than I care to share, but would love any general advice you can offer. I am quickly getting her academics in place as well as the state ed papers.


Scared. Hopeful. Relieved. Anxious. Thankful.



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All I can do is relate my own story and hope it helps you in some way.


I brought dd9 home in 3rd grade. Ds had only completed 1/2 a year of K in ps before I knew it was wrong for our family.


Dd is a social girl. She loves having friends. I KNEW I did not want her getting influenced by the girls in our town. They are mean, petty, and shallow, even in 4th grade. It just is not going to get any better. Now, dd9 was doing ok in ps. She had all A's, but there was no challenge. No one was going to push her to live up to her full potential. The "advanced" program in our district is a complete joke. I thought I would just hs my dc until they were in high school and could attend a better school.


Now, my philosohpy has changed in just one short year. Finally, I can see myself hsing through high school. I can see the social benefits. Why should my kids have to fit in? Why should they not be challenged? Why should any peer group take precedence over our family? Who flipping cares if theyu fit in during high school? What kind of people do I want my dc to become? Is a "proper" education more important to me than fitting im?


Honestly, you know what is best for your dd. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Just do what you know is best for her. You love her more than anyone else in the world. You WILL make the right decision for her.

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As a (gifted) teen, I too struggled with anxiety & panic issues, and although I did well in school I hated the shallowness and stupidity of the social scene and I was totally bored by the academics. I just want to say how lucky your daughter is to have a mom who will take her issues seriously, bring her home, and do what you can to meet her emotional and academic needs.


You don't mention what the "crisis" is, but I just want to throw out there that highly gifted teens are very prone to what they call "existential depression" ~ depression based on feeling like the world is a terrible place full of pain and injustice that one is powerless to change. If that's a component of what you're dealing with, I can tell you from personal experience what a parent should NOT do. :(



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You will be able to tailor the curriculum to her skills and challenge her more than the schools can. She will likely excel and for social interaction, there are many other choices i.e church groups, 4-H, etc.


I'm not at such a great place in my personal life-marriage, health, etc..so my confidence is a little low. But thanks for the support as I need all I can get!


All I can do is relate my own story and hope it helps you in some way.


I brought dd9 home in 3rd grade. Ds had only completed 1/2 a year of K in ps before I knew it was wrong for our family.


Dd is a social girl. She loves having friends. I KNEW I did not want her getting influenced by the girls in our town. They are mean, petty, and shallow, even in 4th grade. It just is not going to get any better. Now, dd9 was doing ok in ps. She had all A's, but there was no challenge. No one was going to push her to live up to her full potential. The "advanced" program in our district is a complete joke. I thought I would just hs my dc until they were in high school and could attend a better school.


Now, my philosohpy has changed in just one short year. Finally, I can see myself hsing through high school. I can see the social benefits. Why should my kids have to fit in? Why should they not be challenged? Why should any peer group take precedence over our family? Who flipping cares if theyu fit in during high school? What kind of people do I want my dc to become? Is a "proper" education more important to me than fitting im?


Honestly, you know what is best for your dd. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Just do what you know is best for her. You love her more than anyone else in the world. You WILL make the right decision for her.


Thanks for your support. You are making the best decision for your family-I wish I had NEVER put my dd in school. I feel I am on the brink of losing her and if I don't bring her home-NOW-something horrible will happen. It's a gut feeling-maybe God speaking to me-I'm just not sure. I just feel like I need to get her the heck of out there!!



As a (gifted) teen, I too struggled with anxiety & panic issues, and although I did well in school I hated the shallowness and stupidity of the social scene and I was totally bored by the academics. I just want to say how lucky your daughter is to have a mom who will take her issues seriously, bring her home, and do what you can to meet her emotional and academic needs.


You don't mention what the "crisis" is, but I just want to throw out there that highly gifted teens are very prone to what they call "existential depression" ~ depression based on feeling like the world is a terrible place full of pain and injustice that one is powerless to change. If that's a component of what you're dealing with, I can tell you from personal experience what a parent should NOT do. :(





Dd is definitely bored by the academics, but she *appears* to be both amused and shocked by the social environment. She was bullied in 6th gr., and her best friend's older sister is emotionally abusing her. This girl is dd's age, but in 8th grade. When The situation became evident, we immediately put dd into action, using skills and knowledge we had already learned. Unfortunately, dd has already become so peer dominant that she seems to be both resistant to our "intervention" and at the same time hinting that she wants us to get her out.


I,too, was a gifted teen with anxiety issues-albeit a long time ago-and I am aware of the risks she is at with her 2E profile. However, I truly don't feel smart enough to homeschool a teenager!:o

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However, I truly don't feel smart enough to homeschool a teenager!:o


You don't have to be smart. You don't even have to be smarter than the kid. You just have to guide, model, set standards, instill strong work ethic, hold them accountable, and get out of their way - academically, that is. Teach her how to research and then provide her with the opportunities to practice, practice, practice those skills. And if you're stumped there are many people here who can offer suggestions/help. You'll be fine. :)


Now the rest of it ... that's liable to be much harder than the academics.

Edited by ksva
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